Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: 4/20/12

Goal weight: 195 lbs.

Not much exercise to report this morning. I got up and did 50 sit-ups and 50 pushups.  I didn’t run because my hip is sore and I’m planning on a long run tomorrow morning.  I will be teaching tomorrow and Sunday at the Mississippi Children’s Museum and will need ALL the energy I can muster.  I want to put on a great show for the kids.  (I’m the MCM Artist in Residence this month.)  But this morning? I slept until 5:15. And I needed it.

Last night, I was coming home from a get-together at Hal & Mal’s for David Hampton, Rick Cleveland and his brother Bobby.  It was nearly 10 p.m. and I hadn’t eaten since lunch (I had a Grilled Chicken & Fruit Salad at Chick-Fil-A).  My son texted me and said we needed a couple of things at the grocery store and I figured I would pick up something to eat there. I kept looking at the frozen dinner aisle at things that USED to look good to me — but nothing looked good anymore. The fried foods. The fattening stuff.  I just went home and had a bowl of serial cereal and some fruit.  It’s like the sodas in the refrigerator at the radio station. I could have one — but I don’t want one. It’s been four months since I had a Coke. No longer am I subject to a Coke’s siren song.

That’s progress. That’s why I’m slowly moving from Fat to Fit.

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2 Responses to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: 4/20/12

  1. Clay says:

    Marshall I wouldn’t expect spelling mishaps from you:
    I just went home and had a bowl of serial and some fruit.
    I just went home and had a bowl of cereal and some fruit.

    Cheers and congrats to you, I have lost a few pounds from not drinking sodas but I am at a happy weight!

    • Marshall Ramsey says:

      You don’t expect misspellings from me?!? Goodness — you don’t know me very well then. I write these things when I am half-asleep. I’m surprised I didn’t say #$%#$.

      But thanks for the head’s up. I’ll fix it.

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