Saturday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up? I’ll be teaching at the Mississippi Children’s Museum today from 10 ’til 2.

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31 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. OldBopper says:

    First again? This is not a good trend. : ) Back to V’burg for class reunion. So that will be our activity for the day. Y’all play nicely.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good morning just listening to some favorite songs, feeling sad, but the music is very uplifting and raiding my spirits to face another day.

    Have fun OB, Coop, LegalE, and all else with planned activities

  3. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey all!!!
    PICNIC: May 5th at Roosevelt pavilion 1 same as last year—-hope that is good for everyone $3 at gate per car up to 6 people in car .50 per person over 6 people

  4. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Kinda chilly outside.

  5. Legal Eagle says:

    I just copied down the directions to Ramboree, which is being held in Utopia, and we’re outta here soon and on the way. Utopia is the name of my classmate’s lakeside retreat.

  6. parrotmom says:

    Stuffed now after eating at Rooster’s. Yumm!!!!!
    Dwb just as good as in 1984.

  7. DWB810 says:

    Hello Everyone (except PM!!!!!!) Hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday. And everyone knows I love Miss PM. Just so any new comers don’t think I was serious.

  8. Legal Eagle says:

    Talking about stuffed! We just got back from Ramboree and we had hot dogs, hamburgers, baked beans, potato casserole and a lot of other stuff. I took a caramel cake and somebody took a huge multi-layered strawberry cake and we had lemon cake, banana pudding, cookies and fruit of all kind. Utopia is beautiful and has a great large pond. A mother goose has been sitting on her eggs on a little island in the pond for 20 straight days, so she should have some hatchlings in a few days. The temperature dropped and the wind picked up and who would have thought it would turn into the coldest day of the year. We went inside and took group pictures and waddled to the car. I brought a lot of caramel cake home and a couple of pieces of strawberry cake. Our class has decided that we need to do something at Utopia at least once a year.

  9. Barb says:

    DWB and PM, I just read your response to my question about Rooster’s. I actually did spend some time at the Recovery Room back when I shot pool in a league, but I had a best friend(male) who could pass for a professional bodyguard!!

    • DWB810 says:

      PM and I worked at Standard Life next door to the location on Roach Street.

      • Legal Eagle says:

        We used to walk down there for lunch from AmSouth Plaza. I wonder how many times we ran into each other.

        Speaking of that, one of my best friends when I was a freshman at Southern in the fall of 1961. She was from Foley, Alabama, and dated a Jackson boy. Her boyfriend was one of the few with a car back then and we paid him $1.00 to ride home some Fridays and a ride back on Sunday. Turns out they got married and I saw her today for the first time in 50 years. She’s been living in Crossgates for years. If I had run into her somewhere, I never would have recognized her.

  10. CornPop says:

    We celebrated Son’s 26th birthday (two weeks early, but the only time he could make it home from Memphis) this afternoon so we had a family gathering. Grilled 12 1″-thick ribeye steaks (head count 12 people but 4 were munchkins so there were leftovers), 10# fresh homemade fries (I peeled & sliced them & 1/2 were eaten before rest of food was ready), green beans, spinach salad with fresh sliced tomatoes & feta cheese with dressing of choice, homemade fresh bread (made by Dad), birthday cake & Bluebell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream (nothing better OB!). May not have been the best “good for you” food, but it’s what Son and Orville requested so…the things I’ll do for the men/people I love is limitless. My low back is screaming & I’m pooped now that everyone’s gone, but it’s all good! :-)

  11. Airwolf says:

    Hey folks! Just got home from the hospital. Daddy has pneumonia, was moaning in pain this morning. O2 sat rate was 70 and below! Hopefully some strong antibiotics will clear him up!

  12. Clucky says:

    I’m here. I made myself get out of the house Thursday and Friday and made it through both til bedtime. Last night I went to bed around 10, and slept VERY late today-I needed it. Still working on Chicklette’s room and the chest I am painting for her. We have a mass disaster next door and have to redo the floor in there STAT. Gah, I dread it. Also will be going through Mama’s stuff to decide what I can’t live without and what can go. Planning to have a yard sale in the near future.

  13. parrotmom says:

    7:00 am Sunday— prayers being uplifted your way AW. My heart goes out to you and your mother during these days when you don’t know which way anything is going.

    LE we probably did pass especiallyon days we traveled up the street to the Elite and a place in side what used to be where AT&T or Bell South was back in the 80’s. Small world it just keeps proving itself over and over.

    DWB I love that you posted for delivery in St Louis :)

    Off to carry friend to work off County Line then to finish up the last few files that I could not make through yesterday due to sleepiness after my lunch. Then home in time for the Parrot’s Sunday shower.

    Clucky good to hear from you dear, take care.
    Love and hugs to all

  14. dhcoop says:

    Mornin! Sunday 7:30 am

    I got the event posted on fb. Y’all be sure to check if I missed anyone in the invite list and add anyone we need to notify.

    Had a great time yesterday with Poppy & A. We stayed up way too late and they are still snoozing. I thought I’d catch up on a little internet. I’m hoping the sun comes out and its pretty later. We have some potting of plants to do!

    AW, hope your Dad gets better quick. Clucky, don’t overdo it!

    Now to see if I can rustle up some coffee or other caffeinated beverage.

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