Fit-to-Fat-to-Fat Blog: 4/21/12

Goal Weight: 195 lbs.

Weight: 200 lbs.

Got up at 6:30 and hit the road by seven.  I ran out of my neighborhood, into the woods and onto the Natchez Trace Parkway.  I then picked up the Ridgeland Multipurpose Trail and ran from the Reservoir Overlook past Old Canton Road to a wooden bridge. That was four and a half miles into the run.  I then turned around and ran back to the Overlook.  From there, I cut back into the woods into another neighborhood and ran through it.  That was eight miles into the run.  I then ran two more miles into my neighborhood, making it an even 10.  I did nearly manage to sand my nipples off — that’s always a pleasant sensation.  (Remind me to wear my Underarmor shirt in the future.) I saw several friends on the trail. One thing I did differently today was take my water bottle I used during the marathon. It fits snuggly over my hand and allows me to comfortably run with water.  I borrowed some of my son’s Gatoraide — a mistake because I’m not used to the Fructose Corn Syrup. Yuck. I only drank about half of it — in the future I will bring water.

So I ran 10 miles.  In the process, I burned over 1,600 calories. My speed? Just a hair under six mph.  It was a good run on a nice, cool day.

After I showered and dressed, I worked four hours doing demonstrations for kids at the Mississippi Children’s Museum.  The old, fat me could not have done it.  Being in shape allowed me to work hard and have a great time with the kids today. That made my ten-mile run worth every step.

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2 Responses to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fat Blog: 4/21/12

  1. Karen Lockhart says:

    How do you push yourself to get out of bed each morning for a workout? While I love going to the gym, I just can’t see myself going before work. Ideas?!?

    • Marshall Ramsey says:

      I work 6 to 6 and really struggled with getting up, too. I signed up for a 5 am class. That held me accountable. It sucked getting up for the first few weeks (3:30) Amy had to take care of boys in morning. But now it’s easy. I get up a 4:30 and run. The energy is so much better now.

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