Monday Free-For-All

It’s 4:30. What’s up with you?

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22 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    WHeeeeee!! It’s Monday :) Good morning to you Marshall and everyone else. For April to be a short month it sure has been a long one for me. I have an important meeting today not sure what the purpose is or where it will lead to but it is a start to what began a long journey from last November.

    Everyone have a wonderful day, hugs and prayers to everyone. Glad those that were not feeling well are better and keeping a special prayer for AW, his Mom and Dad.

  2. OldBopper says:

    Morning gang! Taking “Rider” the cat to be xrayed this morning by the folks from MSU. He has a heart murmur and we need to find out how bad it is. Then to the regular vet to have sutures removed.

    Then, I need to start cutting grass. I’ve let things slide too long.

    Morning MrsH! Hope your trip has been a great success thus far. Keeping you in our prayers.

    Wishing all a good start to the week.

  3. dhcoop says:


    A bit chilly this morning, but nice!

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  4. Airwolf says:

    At dermatology getting my annual skin check! Then to check on Daddy.

  5. msblondie says:

    morning gang! everyone have a good day! lot on my plate this morning.

  6. cardinallady says:

    Morning! Landing for a moment. It has been a great weekend for me. CardinalSon came home Thursday night. Within the hour he was home before I got there, he mowed the front yard. he kind of kicked back on Friday then helped on the Habitat for Humanity house Saturday. Went back yesterday. he will be away at ball games next weekend. And we just MIGHT make it to the picnic the next one. I’m planning on it. I NEEEEED a break! If his softball team wins in the tournament in Clinton this weekend, they will be back down the next weekend.

    My puppies survived the weekend. I was afraid they wouldn’t but the medicine knocked those worms right out of them. My nieces mama dog died a week ago Saturday and I got the two little girl dogs a week ago Sunday. They did fine up until Wednesday or Thursday. They are dear little dogs. The daddy is a blue heeler. They are smart little cookies! I will have to post my column from last week so you will understand.

    • cardinallady says:

      Oh! flying back in. Where are my manners?

      Haaaappppyyyy Biiiiirrrrrttthhhhdaaayyy Toooooo yooooouuuuuuu!
      Haaaappppyyyy Biiiiirrrrrttthhhhdaaayyy Toooooo yooooouuuuuuu!
      Haaaappppyyyy Biiiiirrrrrttthhhhdaaayyy deeeeaarrr Bllluuueeesss!
      Haaaappppyyyy Biiiiirrrrrttthhhhdaaayyy Toooooo yooooouuuuuuu!
      (a day late. How’s that?) Love you brother.

  7. Airwolf says:

    No melanoma, I’m now minus some moles and such!

  8. Molly says:

    Mornin. Kinda slow at the office today. We are waiting on several clients to bring in information before work can begin. I hope they don’t all come in at once. If they do, it won’t be slow anymore!

  9. Legal Eagle says:

    We saw The Hunger Games yesterday and I loved it and probably understood it a lot better than BE did because I had read all 3 books. I loved the actress who played Katniss Everdeen. We got home and I got real sleepy and decided to rest a few minutes. I rested allright. I got up at 8:30 this morning.

    I’m off to play bridge with the newer players today and then need to stop by Wal-Mart on my way home. Oh, joy!

  10. OldBopper says:

    Back from the Animal Emergency Clinic which I found is run by the MSU Vet School. Rider met with a Vet at the recommendation of his regular Dr. They did an echocardiogram and found his murmur to be a birth defect and really not life threatening. The Vet that did the test had come down from MSU. Her practice is limited to Diagnostic Imaging. She said Rider was only the second Cornish Rex she has ever seen. She also removed his sutures saving us a trip to the regular vet.

    I hope we have all his medical issues resolved.

  11. blues4you says:

    Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. I really do appreciate it. Had a great day. Fed 16 people.

  12. Mrs. H says:

    We met with 2 precious ladies in San Buena Ventura to have a bible study then told bible stories at the school. It’s the tail end of the rainy season so the roads are terrible in most places and impassable in others. It’s too dangerous for us to try to drive back tonight.

  13. msblondie says:

    everyone have a good evening. not sure if i will make it on tonight.. gotta work on graduation announcements and baby blanket #2 for the other lady in my office that is expecting.

  14. parrotmom says:

    Evening to you all. I had a good morning. The afternoon was not my friend, but tomorrow will be a new day.

    It was good to hear from MrsH and Blues. Glad all is well witht them. OB glad Rider is better and improving.

  15. dhcoop says:


    Hugs, PM!!

  16. Clucky says:

    Belated Happy Birthday, Blues!

    My dear friend, the band director at EC that was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in August and given six months to live, just passed the 8 month mark. He had a biopsy last week to check out one of two bright spots on his PET scan. It’s malignant. He’s only missed the last round of chemo because of low blood counts. He’ll start back this week on his every 2 week regimen. I’m sure CornPop and Orville are dealing with the same feelings, wishing it would just go away already.

    I grilled burgers last night and steaks tonight. Mr Fab brought home a welder for me to learn to use. ‘scuse me while I go through a sex change with my midlife crisis!

    Later, taters :)

  17. Legal Eagle says:

    Welders make darn good money. I wish I knew how to do it. BE’s mother was a welder.

    We had salad with lots of fresh tomatoes and green onion, bacon bits and those Kroger caramalized pecans and dried cranberries, rotisserie chicken, baked potatoes, baked tomatoes and garlic bread. I intended to cook some fettucine, but got home and couldn’t find any noodles, so I threw a couple of potatoes in the oven.

  18. Clucky says:

    Update on above-mentioned Mr. Carson-back to weekly chemo and daily radiation.

    Cancer SUCKS.

    Once again, I’ve regained the title of “Cat Lady!” one of my girl had her first litter today in my son’s roommate’s closet (yes, in Mother’s house.) So..I trekked over and loaded them up and brought them in my house. mr. fab’s not going to be pleased. We have a one-eyed cat that looked like she had swallowed a cantaloupe last week, but still hasn’t delivered. It should be any day now, bless her heart! The litter today put me back in double digits. Sheesh.

    Chicklette’s boyfriend became an uncle today, and one of the boys’ classmates also had a baby girl Tuesday. Must be something in the air!

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