Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: 4/23/12

Goal weight: 195 lbs.

I ran up a lot of steep hills this morning. Which one was the hardest to climb? Getting out of bed. I’m tired and the bed was warm. Self discipline had to use a tow truck to get me up and going at 4:30. But I did. And I’m thankful.

The temperature was right at 50 degrees, but a stiff north wind made it feel much colder.  At one point, I was running up a steep hill with the wind hitting me right in the face.  It wasn’t quite like running into a brick wall, but it wasn’t much fun. I guess the best way to describe it is that I felt like I was driving with my parking brake on.  Somewhere there’s a life lesson there, but I was too tired to figure it out. So I just kept running.  With hills and all, I ran at a 5.7 mph pace. Not Olympic speed, but considering the course, I’m pleased. It’s a much faster pace than I ran when I trained for my marathon.

When I got back to my house, I had run 5.13 miles for a calorie burn of 853. That’s a good way to start the morning and the week. It’s going to be another stressful one — so that 45 minutes to an hour of running is what keeps me going.  I would have much rather slept until 5:30 this morning.  But I didn’t.  I ran. And I’ll be glad I did all day long.

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