Saturday Free-For-All

About to head out to run as soon as I charge up my GPS watch. What’s up with you?

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31 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. OldBopper says:

    Good morning! Beautiful outside. Think I’m going for a ride this morning. Y’all play sweetly.

  2. dhcoop says:


    I’m loading up the rest of the veggies I grew to plant in the garden in CS with Friend and G. 3 weekends in a row gardening. Love it!

    Hope everyone has a great day. I know I will!

  3. Airwolf says:

    Morning! I took Bear to a Cub Scout clean up and dropped him off to work a while. Rambette and Baby Darling are working at an auction for BIL and SIL. I’m waiting for the ambulance to bring Daddy back to the Meadows.

    I hope everyone has a fun day!

  4. Mrs. H says:

    I posted the mountain harp video clips on my FB page. My phone only recorded 15 second bits, but I’ll let you know when Mark posts the whole thing on youtube.

    OB, I’m so glad Casper went to a good home. She IS a friendly bike, after all. :)

  5. parrotmom says:

    Good morning again. Going to head down to Byram I hear they are taking old medicine’s that are no longer useable. Then don’t know what I want to do?

  6. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey all!!
    can’t wait to see everyone next Saturday what kind of foods are we doing?
    I mowed the grass this morning, now resting so I can finish cleaning the house
    and waiting for my little bug to come stay the afternoon and night with me then family reunion tomorrow at the park in CS

  7. Mrs. H says:

    Mrs. Mac, my co-worker, called this morning. Her mother was put on life support last week and they think they are going to turn it off today. I’m going in to fold bulletins and put out class rolls. I’ve been where she is now, and don’t want her to have to think about anyone else other than her mother.

  8. parrotmom says:

    Went in search of Blues and BullyDuck, but not at home :(

    Found the houseboat PD and I redone back in about 2000 surprising still at Safe Harbor and still afloat. Amazing!

  9. OldBopper says:

    I was in Blue’s neighborhood this morning but didn’t have his number. I asked Clucky to send it to me if she has it. PM, if you have it, please send it to me in a text message to my cell number.

    • Airwolf says:

      I sent it to you, check your email.

    • parrotmom says:

      I have his card which is probably on my desk at work. What a surprise we both wound up in Blues territory. I think he has a MSU banner in his front yard? I hope he checks in to confirm.

  10. Legal Eagle says:

    One week from today! We haven’t even gotten together for lunch or a drink this year, so I will be especially glad to see everyone!

  11. parrotmom says:

    I agree instead of using my gas money today I should have saved till next weekend, but that is ok. I enjoyed seeing our old houseboat again and knowing it is still on top of the water. Wasn’t as pretty as it was after we finished it up, but it was fun for awhile. I’ll have to post a picture of then and now on FB.

    Went by the cemetery where the grands are buried. They have a porcelain picture on their marker with a cover. The picture is all cracked up I will be calling about it. I have seen ones older than this one from 1997 and is not messed up like this. The workers don’t take in consideration of the headstones and stuff with the heavy equipment they use. There were two semi new graves above where this one so could be what happened. I or my S-daughter will be calling next week to report it.

  12. Mrs. H says:

    I guess Mr. H got the power washer working. I hear him at the north end of the house!

  13. Legal Eagle says:

    I have been so bored I’ve been sitting in a chair in the yard for the last couple of hours reading a book.

  14. dhcoop says:


    Another great day of gardening. Feels good to get dirt under my fingernails. We planted all of the rest of the plants that I had been nurturing, and some more seed as well. Peppers, squash, tomatoes…it’s going to be a great garden!

    Oh, and heaven must feel a little bit like a hot shower after a day like this. I could go to sleep right now!

    CB, I think next weekend we need to do our usual fare of hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, etc. OB will be in charge of brownies (this is no longer an option…he started it…). We should have a pretty good headcount by the middle of the week. Will Mr.MML be willing to cook again this year? It sure was nice to have him in charge last year. I’ll be happy to bring charcoal, etc. We can discuss food specifics later, but be thinking about condiments, drinks, ice, etc.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone that can make it!

    • Legal Eagle says:

      I agree completely, especially about OB’s brownies. It seems to me that it would be easier if everyone would bring what they want to drink and I think the hamburger and hot dog idea sounds good. Coop, I remember year before last when BE didn’t get to come with me and you and I ended up grilling the hamburgers in the hot sun. I’m glad we discovered pavillion number 1 last year because it’s a lot shadier than the others.

      • dhcoop says:

        I’ll bring a cooler of ice and water. I don’t drink soft drinks, so other folks need to plan on bringing their favorites.

  15. CornPop says:

    I wish Orville could be there, but as it turns out, he will be in the hospital receiving full chemo. I will be with him &, unfortunately, can’t be two places at the same time. I’ll be there be in spirit, though.

  16. CornPop says:

    Rats! I meant to say “I wish Orville & I could be there!”

    • Legal Eagle says:

      I wish you could too, CornPop, but you will both be in our thoughts and prayers, as always. And we will look forward to y’all being there next year.

  17. dhcoop says:

    It’s okay, CornPop! I know you both wish you could be there! We wish you could be too! But, Orville’s well-being is what’s most important right now. Maybe next year! My new camera battery should be in by then, so I promise to take lots of pictures to share with y’all!

  18. blues4you says:

    Dateline: 09 40pm

    Heard somebody was looking for me. I ‘ve been near home all day.

    Yes PM , bulldog banner in fron yard. Please call if you can . Will send e-mail w/digits.

  19. parrotmom says:

    Hey Blues, figured you would be in the area. It had been a couple of years since being up on 43 and I guess maybe the first time I had seen Ratliff’s Ferry from the ground side. I know the first time PD and I went up river I was surprised as to what that area looked like. Did a bridge acturally cross there at some point 100 years ago?

    Had filet mignon, baked potato, and a salad tonight at PD’s brothers. AWESOME!!!! Can’t remember the last time I had that for a meal. Great way to end the day after my travels today. Was in an Impala not a Bike like OB, but was different for a change up.

  20. Old Bopper says:

    Thanks everybody for getting Blues’ number to me. He called me too. I left my phone in my motorcycle jacket and didn’t hear it ring but checked it when I took it out of the jacket. Anyway, talked with Blues this evening. Think I can find him now. Maybe if I ride tomorrow, I can happen upon him. Don’t worry Blues, I’ll call first.

  21. OldBopper says:

    6:45 Sunday morning. This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. We have so much to be thankful for.

  22. parrotmom says:

    Mr or Mrs Mockingbird has been giving my kittie girls an earful since before 6:00 am this beautiful Sunday. Instead of two birds in the bush they had two kittie in the bush.

  23. dhcoop says:


    Just got off the phone with Big Sis. She’s not sure when she’s heading to Russia but she’s hoping it’ll be within a couple of weeks.

    It’s a beautiful foggy morning here. The birds are singing and the couch is calling my name. I’m going to put some laundry on and veg out.

    Looking forward to seeing as many folks as possible next weekend!

  24. blues4you says:

    I’m still mad that I missed OB & PM yesterday.

    If it was before noon, PM, we were working on the swimming pool near the front gate. After about 1:30 I was all over the place visiting. We had a good crowd this weekend what with the work day and all. Saw several neighbors for the first time this year. I can’t believe we didn’t notice someone drive through because I was outside or on somebody’s porch almost all day.

  25. blues4you says:

    Oh, dateline 09:40am sun.

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