Monday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you have a great week.

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21 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. Mrs. H says:

    Back to work after a week in another world. I am sure I’ll have a lot to do.
    And prayers for Mrs. Mac: her mother passed away over the weekend. I hope she won’t try to come in today. I haven’t heard about any arrangements, yet.

    For those of you who remember Mark, one of the pastors at my church: He has been called to a church in Grenada. His last Sunday here will be the day after he performs the marriage of my eldest. His ministry is growing. Now it’s time for him and M2 to carry the message about children’s ministry to other places. They have taught us how to do it. It’s up to us to continue well.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good morning, Happy Monday!!

    MrsH great news for Mark, it sent chills down my spine. I hope the Lord continues to guide the M4 family and that they continue to carry the word of God to others and Minister for our Great God!

    Coop I forgot about the space station. I was out at the cemetary about that time. I was checking on one of these solar lights that changes colors as it starts working. It looked beautiful on PD’s grave. I hope to get our marker ordered one day this week.

  3. OldBopper says:

    Good morning! Read about Mark’s decision on FB yesterday. Good for him! May 19 is quickly approaching.

    Real good article on BBC this morning about cyber warfare.
    Well done and almost chilling. Our own Keesler AFB in Biloxi trains Air Force personnel in cyber warfare tactics.

    Hope all have a good day. Looking forward to Saturday. Will bake brownies and PQ will make something too. I agree that we ought to bring our own drinks. I’m bringing a fan and extension cord and suggest that if you are in constant need of a fan, you bring one too. The weather forecast is good.

  4. dhcoop says:


    Looking forward to this weekend!

  5. msblondie says:

    morning gang! that is great news about Mark.

    everyone have a great day!

  6. cardinallady says:

    Mornin! Zipping through. Already took a picture this morning. Oh I’ve got to get approval for Friday off so I can go to the picnic. Cardinal Son won’t be there this year. There will be a gazillion kids and parents in Clinton this weekend for Regional Community College Softball playoffs. The top two teams go to Nationals. Jon is excited.

    So how is everybody today. Mrs. H. I need to come down and spend a couple of days with you to learn more about children’s ministry. I teach first to sixth grades. Most Sunday’s I feel like a grasshopper amongst giants, and most of them are first and second graders, not that they are tall in stature but tall in spirit but I do enjoy my kids.

  7. Airwolf says:

    Morning! I’m cleaning on my deck, a little at a time.

    I wish all a great day!

  8. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey all!!
    looking forward to Saturday
    we need to know what kind of food do we need to bring are we doing hamburgers and hot dogs this year I am sure that MML’s hubby will cook if we ask him and if we do hamburgers I will get the meat

  9. Mrs. H says:
    This is a link to Mark’s video of the gentleman playing the mountain harp for us in the village of San Jose, Peru. (wow, there are a lot of prepositional phrases in that sentence!)

  10. Mrs. H says:

    apparently, one of my daughters didn’t think the other was serious when she threatened to call me about the refusal to clean the moldy red beans & rice bowl left in her room. NEVER assume those threats are idle at my house!

    • Molly says:

      Always take threats from siblings seriously! When my brother hit me in the forehead with a softball bat and threatened to kill me if I told on him, I believed him!

    • cardinallady says:

      Now my little sis just took matters into her own hands and would clunk me across the head if she didn’t get results.

  11. msblondie says:

    everyone have a great evening!

  12. cardinallady says:

    Flying back through! Am sooooooo looking forward to this weekend. I think I’m going to just mosey on down as far as Louisville and stay at Lake TaikO Khata Friday night then drive on down Saturday morning.

  13. Legal Eagle says:

    We all had sucky cards all day long and I’m worn out.

  14. dhcoop says:


    Well, I know y’all think I’m nuts (and you’d be right), but I’m SO excited! Tonight is the reunion and coronation of the next Drag Superstar in RuPaul’s Drag Race! I just love my drag queens! AND, I should be getting the email any time now with my new ringtone. OOOOO GURL, You’ve got SHEmail! LOL!

    Now, back to my show!

  15. parrotmom says:

    LOL at Coop. I am watching DWTS also. I loved the first dance and I thought Melissa and Max did a better job than they were give credit for.

    My Parrot loved me so much this afternoon he bit the crap our of me. Who needs sibling rivalry with a Parrot. I knew he was excited and should have left him alone. Oh well he didn’t throw the veggies on the floor I did as I ways trying to shake him off my finger. He got me between the pointer finger and the middle one. Wow, that hurt!!!

  16. Mrs. H says:

    I’m sitting on my front porch with a citronella candle burning beside me. The cicadas are buzzing gently in the woods. What a nice evening!

  17. dhcoop says:

    Well, my first choice for Queen didn’t win, but my second choice did! And my choice for Miss Congeniality won, hands down! AND, I got my new ringtone!!! LOVE it!

    MrsH, I was listening to a chuck-wills-widow a few minutes ago. The woods are alive with sound at night.

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