Monday Free-For-All

The track continues to shift west. Don’t wish a hurricane on anyone but don’t want to the Gulf Coast wiped out, either.  Jackson will be on the “dirty” side of the storm, giving up heavy rain, winds and tornadoes.  Should be a long, long week.

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92 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Morning everyone. Marshall thanks for the info. I agree I would hate to see this happen too.

  2. Mrs. H says:

    Greetings. We’ll be in prep mode at the church, too. Our county’s new shelter is still under construction :(

  3. dhcoop says:


    I’m watching the track myself. They are still so unsure about which direction it’s going to take. Praying the coast is spared.

  4. pncpnthr says:

    Morning. Face book folks are having fun with the “land mass between Mobile & New Orleans. I just wonder if The Weather Channel will even notice…I see Jim Cantore has moved to New Orleans. Pretty certain it wont come ashore there now…

  5. blues4you says:

    Good morning.

    We are synergizing our paradigms in order to enhance an efficient mass migration of our associates.

    Ugh, we’re goin’ to evacuate. It’ ll take about 24 hrs to secure the rig. It’ll take me about 15 minutes so I’ll be one of the first to leave. I guess I’m heading home to ride it out. Talk to y’all in a couple of days. Y’all be careful.

  6. msblondie says:

    morning gang! going be a fun few days. Getting in prep mode here at work.
    Gotta get on my soap box a min and vent about work: the controllor wants 3 dang monitors for some reason… he cant work with 2.. comes to me just a few minutes ago wanting me to get it working today… I look at him like he is stupid.. I tell him nicely that have to see.. I am in prep mode for this Storm that is coming… protecting the business is a little more important… he just didn’t seem to care or ask what can I do to help… self aborded people/ ones that don’t prepare.. just irk me. ok off soap box.
    Now off to meet with the warehouse manager to be sure we get everything in place.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      It has always amazed me how so many of those in power have such little common sense. I constantly came across that in law firms and schools are about the worst offenders.

  7. parrotmom says:

    MsB some folks just can’t see the whole picture. I can imagine the look on your face with his request.

    I hope OB has safe travels home from Arkansas today.

  8. parrotmom says:

    I know it is a serious time, but be sure and read Marshall’s survival list. I would hate to know that one if my cats or even worse my parrot to start looking tasty after a few days.

  9. cardinallady says:

    Okay flying in for a moment. *taking a bow* I FINALLY succeeded in getting all my birds to go into the chicken house Saturday and yesterday. They haven’t been going in there since we came home from vacation last month and Jon dispinsed with the possum that was raiding the nest.

    I was determined to get them to go into there knowing that we are going to get some pretty nasty wind up here. Got it done by feeding them last minute and shutting the gate to the chicken yard. Even got the ducks to go in Saturday and they went in by themselves last night. Of course it also helped to clean out the house some and put fresh hay down to get the possum smell out.

  10. Clucky says:

    Mr. Fab is in some serious PTSD right now, y’all. He worked outside last night until 11pm clearing the deck, securing anything too big to go in the garage, and filling up gas tanks, trimming threatening limbs, etc. he woke up every 2 hours to look at the latest on Isaac. Poppy was going to ride it out, but I did FaceTime call with him and passed the phone to Mr. Fab. I think him seeing the panic and fear on his son’s face changed his mind; he’s coming up this evening. Thank goodness his pups know our cats and vice versa-except for the Persian-who is the quintessential cat and ignores everyone.
    I went to Fred’s in Philly and stocked up. WM was a mad house, so I’m glad I was able to get everything we needed. I forgot milk, so I’ll be going back to the store shortly. Also filling any meds I’m low on just in case. We filled up both vehicles but I’ll be filling has cans today. We don’t even have a generator, but it’s what we’re supposed to do!
    I’ve already had to pick up Chicklette this morning at school and bring her home. She’s not feeling well. Sinuses are killing her.
    I joined that Facebook group “The Land Mass between NOLA and Alabama. I was one of many that barraged TWC’s wall about that gaffe, and within an hour, their meteorologists were very pointedly saying “Mississippi.” Mrs. H, I gues you have your personal meteorologist.
    Love y’all. Keep in touch!!

  11. Legal Eagle says:

    I’m in somewhat of a quandry. Will 4 mega rolls of Charmin tp and about 4 ounces of instant coffee last through the seige of Isaac, or do I need to stop by Wal-Mart or Kroger on my way home this afternoon? Please tell me it will last without the stop.

  12. Airwolf says:

    Whew, finished mowing my grass here in town! My bride just called and said there is a run on gas already. I need to go fill everything! She some stations are out already with none coming in. I need to make a run to WM and I dread it!

  13. Mrs. H says:

    Only premium gas in Agricola. Regular ran out last night or early this morning. I will have my personal meteorologist on the premises, Clucky. Diamondhead is a bit too close to the projected path for her comfort.

  14. parrotmom says:

    What a day and I’m not even talking about the pending weather.

    • Mrs. H says:

      I am right there with you, PM. All the stuff I was doing gave me a killer headache. Someone came in my office a bit later and asked me if I was okay, that I looked lightheaded. I was somewhat recovered by then. :)

  15. parrotmom says:

    Made it home. I will need to take the flag down, but will wait till tomorrow I love seeing it fly.

  16. Old Bopper says:

    We’re home, safe and sound! Went to the grocery store and got milk, bread and salad goodies. Gas in our area is still in abundance and still at the same price it was when we left four days ago. Took my last 5 gallon can by and filled it. We have a guest from the Gulf Coast heading this way to stay with us. Have never had a problem with water so I didn’t get any. We have two 45 gallon hot water tanks that will be a sufficient supply if needed.

  17. Mrs. H says:

    I printed out the knitting pattern I’m making right now. I had been just looking at it on line, but if the power goes out, I’m ready. I have several of y’all’s cell numbers, so I’ll get you to pass on updates if I need to.

  18. DWB810 says:

    Hello Everyone. I pray for your safety. As a side note, a friend of mine is the creator of the “The Land Mass Between NOLA and Mobile”. She is very proud of “Landmassissippi”.

  19. Legal Eagle says:

    When I went to Crossgates at noon and came back at 5:30, each time Kroger and Wal-Mart were swarming with cars. I wasn’t about to stop. We found a small 4-roll pack of tp and 4 mega rolls of Charmin and I think there’s enough coffee here so that we can make it without a trip to the store. I have 3/4 of a tank of gas in my car. A friend tried to get gas at Kroger in Brandon this morning and couldn’t get near a pump, so she drove around to Exxon and they were already out of regular.

  20. Clucky says:

    Poppy will be here in the morning. I’m whooped.

  21. DWB810 says:

    Items now available for “The Land Mass Between NOLA and Mobile”. I have 2 coffee mugs coming my way. A percentage of the proceeds will go to relief efforts.

  22. parrotmom says:

    Good Tuesday morning!

  23. Mrs. H says:

    It’s a gray morning here, breezy but no rain yet. The girls are out of school today, but I’m going in to work. We won’t stay all day if the weather gets bad. Mr. H and his co-workers are all working from home for the next 2 days. It’s a tech company, what can I say…

  24. OldBopper says:

    We’ve got a nice start to the day today. I wonder what this evening will be like.

    Back home. Our friend from the coast arrived last evening and will stay with us during the worst of the storm.

    Kroger had their gas for $3.37 yesterday and it was near impossible to get close to a pump. Stations in downtown Brandon had gas for $3.43. That’s where I got mine.

    Hope all our coastal bloggers are prepared and stay safe throughout the storm. Prayers are with you.

  25. dhcoop says:


    One thing about a hurricane moving in is you get some really pretty clouds. :)

  26. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all have a good day!

  27. Legal Eagle says:

    The senior center in Brandon will be closed tomorrow, but the Pearl senior directors are awaiting word from the mayor about whether they will close or not. So I took it upon myself to cancel our Thursday bridge game and have been on the phone this morning calling everyone. It’s just crazy, even if the senior center happened to stay open, for a bunch of senior citizens to get out and drive in torrential rains.

    My high school buds are picking me up in a couple of hours to go to our monthly girls luncheon. This time we are going to the Strawberry Cafe in Madison, and Madison to me may as well we in another state.

  28. Legal Eagle says:

    be in another state, not we in another state. Coffee…

  29. cardinallady says:

    Flying through! I have a column to write about hurricanes. got to lay out page 1 and write some crime and crud. Be back through later. I hope Blues is enjoying his day.

  30. Mrs. H says:

    Hooray!! our internet is back up… just in time to discover that Isaac has graduated to hurricane status. I think someone hit a pole down on 613 in the wee hours because 2 friends of mine posted having no power at some point during the night.

  31. OldBopper says:

    Did an “oopsie” this morning. Checked my supply of D batteries and found only two. In most stores, I have more than they do. If you are looking for D batteries think of the unusual. Small shops that sell electronic items, office supply, and maybe even pawn shops. I found mine at a locally run contractor’s supply store but he is now sold out.

    PQ filled her tank this morning at Kroger for $3.37 less whatever she had off. I’m really proud of our Brandon area merchants for not raising the price of gas just for the fun of it. They say it is sky high on the coast. Mississippi’s law on price gouging doesn’t help a bit. It encourages merchants to raise prices so they won’t be stuck when price controls are initiated. Increase the price and then you won’t be hurt when your supplier goes up during the “emergency”.

    Got the generator out and cranked it up a few times to make sure it is ready. Folks, I think we are well equipped for the storm.

  32. Mrs. H says:

    Most merchants only have a 3 or 4 cent per gallon profit on gasoline. When the refineries shut down for storms, the market price goes up. Those stations that receive deliveries daily, or even several times a day, have no choice but to post prices that reflect their cost. There are some that are gouging, but most are just honest businessmen caught between the consumer and the producer. Our local news radio (out of Gulfport) said that prices this morning were what they were yesterday morning.

  33. pncpnthr says:

    Feels like a heating blanket is on outside. Cub said they are closing schools in V’burg tomorrow & Thursday. I suppose it’s better to err on the side of caution. I don’t begrudge anyone preparing.There was a crowd gathering as they brought out more bottled water but I do wonder why there was no dog food at KO Walmart… I was just thankful mine had already eaten today. Hope to pick up a bag in the morning. I would rather not have to pay the higher price at the vet.

  34. Mrs. H says:

    The wind is starting to gust up in spells. It will rain really hard for 3 or 4 minutes, then stop. Bands passing over, I guess. Mostly it’s just been gloomy all day. Dr. T is OCD about weather, and since the church’s internet was out this morning (a drunk driver hit a pole at 3 a.m. around Movella) he had the TV in the fellowship hall tuned to the all weather station. The tone of voice and audio resolution was just too irritating for me, so I cranked up iTunes and ignored the TV.

  35. Mrs. H says:

    The governor is speaking on WLOX. I miss Haley Barbour’s delivery.

  36. msblondie says:

    everyone have a good evening and be safe!

  37. Old Bopper says:

    Just took a yellow cake out of the oven. Will smear chocolate icing on it and get a big glass of milk (eyes rolling to back of head). No rain here today…yet.

  38. Legal Eagle says:

    We went to another high priced joint for lunch, the Strawberry Cafe. I ended up with the appetizer crab cakes with a few springs of spring lettuce on the side. I had to ask for a little dressing and some reumolade sauce and they charged extra. What I had was good. There just wasn’t much of it for $21.12. Next month they want to go back to Table 100, so I may get to treat myself with 3 more shrimp.

    BE mentioned being hungry for sushi and waiting for the traffic to die down and I’m just waiting for the word to put my clothes back on.

  39. parrotmom says:

    Sitting at the cemetery enjoying the breeze for now. Watching for deer, seeing the almost full moon and praying for those that are being and will be affected by the hurricane.

  40. parrotmom says:

    24 years ago today my mom died at 3:00 pm from cancer. No storms back then. I am very thankful that my family are at peace and not suffering.

  41. parrotmom says:

    Nite to all and prayers.

  42. parrotmom says:

    Wednesday morning 5.58 am, The wind is blowing no rain. I haven’t turned the tv on yet to see what is happening and where.

  43. pncpnthr says:

    Morning. It’s 6:47 am and all’s well at the panther den. The wind is blowing but it’s up high, if that makes any sense. I can hear it & when I look up I see the trees bending with it but on the ground it’s still. Also no rain. Hope Mrs. H is OK.

  44. Mrs. H says:

    7:10 a.m. Rain and wind but no damage that I can see from my windows. We never lost power so that means no trees on power lines around us. It started raining (without stopping between bands) about 7 last night. We had power so we watched a movie and then went to bed as usual. The girls don’t have school today. I’m about to see if I am going to work.

  45. dhcoop says:


    Drive in was interesting this morning. I left Gtown under heavy cloud cover, then drove out of the band. It was weird, because I had looked at in on the radar and knew what I was under was an outer band of Isaac.

    Everybody stay safe today!

  46. Molly says:

    Mornin. Is it STILL Monday? This week will never end at this rate.
    Expected to wake this morning to wind and rain. But just got clouds and good breeze.
    Well, darn. Kiddo just called and said her car broke down just as she got to school. It’s gonna be a wonderful day, I can just tell.

  47. msblondie says:

    morning gang! left byram with wind and sprinkles this morning. but shall be interesting the rest of the day.

  48. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’. No rain, just clouds and a breeze. No complaints about that either.

    Glad to hear MrsH is weathering the storm in good fashion. Hope their electricity stays on. Anxious to hear from our other coastal friends.

    BTW, I just bookmarked this hyperlink so I can get back to it. It may be with us for a while and is getting harder to find.

  49. Legal Eagle says:

    It doesn’t look like the rain is going to reach us until around noon. We will know exactly as soon as it starts raining. Now, chew on that for a while so I can get some coffe…..

    • Molly says:

      Legal was in such a hurry to get her coffee that she didn’t even finish the word — just darted off for the kitchen mid-word.

      • cardinallady says:

        *cough* Molly! That was funny. don’t get me tickles while I’m eating sweet tarts. Speaking of coffee … I need to warm mine up and have another donut. Our office manager went to get supplies and brought back this big box of donuts. Bless her!

  50. Mrs. H says:

    Our eldest has lost power in Diamondhead this morning. I was watching tornado warnings in her area. Scary

  51. Clucky says:

    MrsH, I thought they were staying with you?
    Poppy got here yesterday morning. Yay!
    Mr Fab climbed onto the roof at Mom’s house yesterday to see if he could find the source of the leak; he damn near fell through the roof-a 2ft x 2ft hole with….TERMITES. I’m just sick over it. He did patch the hole for now, and I’ll be calling a termite exterminator when this weather blows over.

  52. parrotmom says:

    Oh Clucky, glad MF didn’t fall through. I know you could kick yourself for not minding your moms advise in setting fire or tearing the house down. Has been a blessing to you for your boys, but a money pit otherwise. Like Yazoo Is for me since tractor hasn’t ran in a year and a half and sitting out in the elements where it died the last time used. I am paying someone to bush hog. At least they are local.

  53. Mrs. H says:

    Clucky, they decided to stay home, which seemed okay yesterday morning. Now with the tornado warnings around her, it just sounds scary.

  54. dhcoop says:

    I just looked at the radar and it’s looking like the next go-round of the upper band is going to bring us a little rain. Maybe.

  55. Clucky says:

    We’ve had a few sprinkles and light wind, but that’s it.

  56. Legal Eagle says:

    Even though the radar on looks like Pearl is getting soaking wet, I still haven’t seen any drops yet.

    I’m watching some of the people on the news who lost their homes in Katrina and have lost them again.

  57. Legal Eagle says:

    When we went to get sushi last night at the restaurant right in front of Wal-Mart in Pearl, I was surprised how much less crowded the Wal-Mart parking lot was. One of our outer computer speakers went out this morning and BE is up there getting new ones. He called and has found a 40″ tv at a bargain price and since we are tired of watching this 12″incher, he’s bringing one home. Well, that should give me something to do, clearing off some place to put it. Yeah, good luck to me on that!

  58. OldBopper says:

    Get your water wings out. The rain has started and will probably give us an extra good drenching. This front is a real slow mover.

    MrsH, don’t worry. Your daughter knows what it’s like to chase tornadoes. Besides, the chances of getting hit by one are pretty small unless you live in Yazoo City.

  59. Mrs. H says:

    OB, I thought Rankin County was the tornado capital of the universe.

    Yes, she knows how to chase them, but right now she’s sitting, not chasing. No fun. She said the rain stopped for a bit so they opened the windows, but then it started up again so they had to close them.

    I don’t know how much rain we’ve had in the last 24 hours, but it’s been raining solid since about 6 yesterday evening. We’re supposed to get word about GCSchools at 5 pm.

  60. Mrs. H says:

    I think it’s interesting that during the 24/7 storm coverage on WLOX, when they go to a commercial break, there is no sound. Thanks. I wish it was that way all the time.

  61. Mrs. H says:

    No school for GC tomorrow, either. Uncertain road conditions for buses.
    Looking at the radar, we’re just about to get another band pass through.

  62. msblondie says:

    everyone becareful going home.. and tonight. going to be nasty for sure.

  63. parrotmom says:

    Evening, they let us go about 45 minutes early, bad thing is I left an hour before that due to carpooling friend, daughter had an accident down in Raymond. No fun. Glad the girl wasn’t hurt but it was her fault. Finally home and drove through the business parking lot behind the house to check for limbs down so I know what was around before and after tonight. Hope everyone is doing well and that the evening and night want be so bad. Love and hugs to all.

  64. parrotmom says:

    Thinking of Coop when I was whistling for my kittie girls. They were probably in the garage they made it under the gate to the courtyard in 30 seconds flat. One meowing the whole minute. Itty came running in then Tinker Bell she was scared by my shoes and went sliding about two foot across the floor. They are now eating and happy.

  65. dhcoop says:


    I’m safely holed up in CS with Friend and G tonight. The have a generator, so not worried about losing power.

    Its raining steady and pretty windy, but not bad.

  66. parrotmom says:

    Hey Coop glad you are in a safe place.

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