Bull in a China Shop — CHAR Restaurant

The following is a guest review I wrote for eatjackson.com.

If you ever wondered what a China Shop owner’s face looks like when a bull walks in, take three boys under the age of 11 into a white-table restaurant.  You can hear sphincters slam shut when you walk in the door.  My wife and I took our little bulls to Char Restaurant off of I-55 N in Jackson’s Highland Village Shopping Center celebrate my recent birthday.  Being the lead in ‘Spiderman the Musical’ is less dangerous.

It was Christmas party season; so even though the lobby was crowded with people waiting to be seated for their parties, our wait was very short. And when you are eating with customers who are also very short, a short wait is a very good thing. My three-year-old greeted the incoming customers. My eight-year-old flirted with the hostesses.  I prayed that our name would be called.  Not only because I feared disaster. I was hungry…

To read the rest, go to eatjackson.com

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2 Responses to Bull in a China Shop — CHAR Restaurant

  1. dhcoop says:

    You could be Jackson’s new Epicurus!

  2. Mrs. H says:

    I remember taking the eldest (who at age 2 was the only) to a VERY nice restaurant in New Orleans at Christmas-time. Cheerios travel well in the snootiest circles!!

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