Ice Tweets.

This list will grow as the day goes on and if I still have power:

  1. I like ice in drinks, not on roads, trees & power lines.
  2. What’s the weather like at your place? Sleeting like mad at the Ramsey house.
  3. Just explained the seriousness of the weather to my sons in terms they can understand: “The Wii won’t work.”
  4. Sleet sounds like a hissing snake. And is about as inviting.
  5. My $1,000 car insurance deductible + Ice on the roads = my car not leaving my garage for anything.
  6. Sitting here drinking milk and eating bread as the sleet comes down. #whitedeath2011
  7. The boys are out back making sleet angels and sleet men.
  8. Ice is forming on grass and elevated surfaces. Saying a quick prayer the power stays on.
  9. Ever since I drew the linemen raising the power pole after Katrina, my lights mysteriously haven’t gone out.
  10. If my power stays on tonight, I’ll write “Thank you” on my next check to Entergy.
  11. Dear ice gods, please don’t take my power. America’s Funniest Home Videos is just so whacky tonight. (Never mind heat and stuff)
  12. If I have power & enough extension cord, I’ll use my wife’s hair dryer to dry the road to make sure my kids can get to school tomorrow.
  13. I love it when new weathercasters to the state pronounce Bude “Boo–dee”
  14. Due to Winter Weather Conditions, my eyes will close at 10 p.m. and will not reopen until late tomorrow morning.
  15. Ice storms are like lice, bedbugs, ticks and the cast of Jersey Shore.
  16. As of right now, I guess Madison County Schools aren’t closed. Mike Kent must be out attaching ice skates to all the buses.
  17. Sitting here in a landscape that looks like a glazed ham, I’m having serious snow-envy.
  18. If you feel the need to call a TV weatherperson and complain, put down the phone, look in the mirror and reevaluate your life.
  19. Law enforcement wants me to stay off the road. No problemo.
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2 Responses to Ice Tweets.

  1. parrotmom says:

    I love the explanation to the boys about the seriousness of our weather.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Great advise and coments!!

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