A strange bug was planted in my head last night: Maybe I should run another marathon. The Mississippi Blues is coming up on January 5 and I’m at the point where I could train for it. It’s extremely hilly and would be a stiff challenge for me.
I’m on the fence right now. My achilles tendon on my left foot is sore — I pulled it a little today on my 5.28-mile run. We’ll see how it feels. I have to run 15 miles this Saturday. That will be my test. If I can do it, I’ll run a whole. If not, I’ll sign up for the half.
But a whole would be a nice fit-to-fat-to-fit bookend. The last marathon I ran was October 31, 2010. Then I gained 55 pounds by December 31, 2011. Now I have lost the 55 pounds. It seems fitting.
Good luck Marshall which ever decision you make.