Halloween Free-For-All

BOO!  And good morning!

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23 Responses to Halloween Free-For-All

  1. GrammarGirl says:

    Good Morning, MRBA! And Happy Halloween. I hope everyone has a wonderful day today. Am I really first? Wake up, people!!!

  2. Molly says:

    Mornin. I’m awake….barely. I hate sinus pressure!

  3. parrotmom says:

    Good morning again…. 8:03 am. Happy Halloween and I’ve already been trick or treating. I want say what type trick I had to do.

  4. Airwolf says:


  5. dhcoop says:

    Mornin! Happy Halloween!

  6. Clucky says:

    PM, now I’m curious…

    Chicklette is home again today. Body aches, fever, congestion, coughing and GI issues. Sounds like the flu to me. Also the same stuff Mr. Fab has had since Friday. They haven’t even offered the shot at work this year. Sigh.

  7. pncpnthr says:

    Morning! Heading out to spread the resume around some more. Everyone have a good day!

  8. msblondie says:

    spooky halloween!

    good luck PNC!

    I think I am going to have to pass on the boss’s blood drive this year.. the sinuses and allergies have been under today..

  9. CornPop says:

    Good news – bad news: The good news is that most of Orville’s stomach & intestinal distress is going away! Bad news is that his mouth, lips & throat feel like someone poured scalding, hot water on them! He’s in so much pain that it hurts to even try to talk. The doctors have increased the amount of pain medicines he can have (both dosage & how often). He is able to use all the mouth care swishes & swallows without getting sick, so that helps. All of this pretty much only makes it tolerable, but it also makes it easy for him to go to sleep. The inflammation of his mouth has also caused his temperature to rise & they have him on IV antibiotics for that, too. It’s a good thing that they started him on the IV nutrition yesterday because there’s no way he can eat at this point. Ice chips & popsicles are about the extent of it. Ice cream & pudding with the milk in them are just too thick for him now. He was joking with the doctor this morning saying he’d rather have the stomach distress & can they bring the diarrhea back. This has given ‘feeling miserable’ a whole new definition! However, it is only temporary. He will begin to receive the shots that will help stimulate the production of his white blood cells tomorrow. After a few days of those shots, his white count will start to very slowly rise & once that happens then the mouth problems will quickly go away. He may begin to regain some of his strength sometime this weekend. He’s bound & determined to fight through this with all he’s got & will jump over each new hurdle that’s thrown in his path! I’m doing my best to take care of me while taking constant care of him…I sure am tired, though. The whole staff here at the bone marrow transplant unit are so wonderful! Our mantra: One day at a time!

  10. parrotmom says:

    Blues is supposed to be going home for a break today . I hope he has safe travels and checks back in soon. Enjoy your rest.

  11. cardinallady says:

    BOO!! BOO!! It’s the ghost of a cardinal here. I thought about finding a red cardinal and turning it white for my avitar today. The only thing I don’t like about halloween is they don’t make bird sized brooms for me to ride on. Oh wait! I do have wings don’t I? I get senile some days.

    How is everybody today. I do hope Blues made it home safe too parrotmom.

    ANd speaking of halloween, I got tickled while ago when I told my editor that I need to go trick or treating at my next door neighbors house. They have candy just in case and there are never little ghosts and goblins out our way. He said “yeah, knock on their door and say ‘where’s that candy you’ve been hoarding?'”

    Alright I’ve got to down load these pictures we just took before my slave driving editor gets back.

  12. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone. Hope you all have a terrific evening.

  13. dhcoop says:


    No trick-or-treaters in Podunk.

    PM, come on… fess up!!

  14. Msblondie says:

    Evening. Trick or treaters were slim tonight. Still have over half bowl of candy.

  15. parrotmom says:

    6:30 am November 1st. Today is one year since PD was to have surgery but once he was under they had to call the surgery. The date was November 3rd. Next Wednesday will be the anniversary of the actural surgery and Friday of next week will be when all went bad and neither nurse would get him a doctor no matter how much I begged for one. Too many horrible anniversarys in my next few weeks and months. It has been 30 weeks and 211 days since he passed. Just feeling sorry for myself I know. I would not want him back to watch him struggle any longer, but they days do make me sad.

    Love and prayers to all and have a wonderful day.

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