Friday Free-For-All

Looks like another eventful day today.  Hope you have a great one!


Highway 61, The Delta.

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20 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. blues4you says:


    Wanders in/looks around/makes a pot of coffee/goes back to work.

  2. GrammarGirl says:

    Hey, Blues! Good morning, everybody! Happy Friday!!!

    Aside to PM from your comment yesterday–I also take thyroid medication. My doctor told me NEVER to take the generic medication. I always thought generic was just like whatever drug it was replacing, but, apparently in thyroid issues, it is such a calibrated dosage that generic vs. name-brand really does make that much difference. I hope you see a marked improvement.

    • parrotmom says:

      Thanks GG. If this doesn’t straighten it out I guess will need to go to an endo doctor or at least am internal meds dr. Just like everthing else fine for 40 years in same dose then decides to act up.

  3. parrotmom says:

    Hey blues, sorry to have missed you. So how’s everything in your world. Mine is cold. Looking forward to the 70’s for the next few days–I hope. It took all week, but the rel Friday made it here. Yea!!!!

  4. cardinallady says:

    Coffee is good Blues! *holding cup to lips* mmmmmm! Just like I like it!

    I’m flitting through. Got to go train my editor on a couple or three things. Good thing I’ve watched that movie “How to train your dragon”. Be back later. I have a supervisors meeting after training my dragon.

  5. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks, sipping coffee and watching the squirrels play!

  6. dhcoop says:


    Well, Big Sis got delayed leaving Russia, so now it’s going to be tomorrow night before she gets here! BOO!

  7. OldBopper says:

    Afternoon. Been out and about this morning. Decided I would try Dr. Barnes Eyemart for some new glasses. Two for the price of one doesn’t apply to progressive lens or bifocals but I still can save a substantial amount over the current optician. Note to self, go there early so you can be first or second. The place is a mad house later.

    Made some reservations for us at a B&B in New Orleans for a few nights before Christmas. Every year we threaten to go away at Christmas. We’re getting close. Maybe next year.

    PM, hope the meds work for you.

  8. parrotmom says:

    Today is the last day for Mashall on Super Talk. Tou have fine an awesome job.

  9. Clucky says:

    I’m listening.


  10. cardinallady says:

    Well my dragon and I didn’t take as long as I thought it would. In fact half an hour into the training session he said, Stop. Go see Terry Wood right now. I’ve set an appointment for you. Eye glasses man. So I ran around the corner to spend what I thought would be fifteen minutes. Two hours later … And hour and 45 minutes of that was with him in his examining room going from one different eye scanning machine to another. I cna’t see out of the right eye (we knew that going in) the left eye has a sigmatism, but I’m getting those lineless bifoculs. So if I’m walking like I”m drunk next Thursday … it’s just my glasses.

  11. Clucky says:

    Gonna miss hearing Marshall in the afternoons. It’s been fun.

  12. parrotmom says:

    Working on recording an album to a CD. I hope it turns out well.

  13. dhcoop says:


    I am gonna miss hearing Marshall say “Honey, I’m comin home” in the evenings. Most days I only got to hear the last half hour or so, but I still enjoyed it. But, now he can move on to bigger and better things! They don’t deserve him anyway.

    I’m looking forward to seeing lil sis, A and Poppy in the morning! They are going to come on down and spend the day with me while we await Big Sis’ arrival back in the great landmass known as Mississippi! She’s going to be so happy to finally get home for a few weeks.

  14. parrotmom says:

    That sounds like fun for all of you Coop.

    Woopeee!! my CD is done and printed. Now I can put in the mail tomorrow and send to a class mate that is a preacher/singer in Alabama and this was his first album. One day I will give him the real album but he has been waiting on the CD for a few months.

  15. Clucky says:

    CLady, I had to get (whispers) *bifocals* this year. We went with progressive lenses, and it is wonderful to be able to see again!

    We have finally set a date…to see “Skyfall”!! We are planning to go Sunday afternoon :) I have a date! Yay!!

    Oh my, did I get some awesome news last night…
    A little back story (because y’all know me…)
    I have 2 brothers and one sister. My sister is the oldest, next is my brother (who at 53 will be doing his student teaching this spring), and my younger brother who now lives in Knoxville. My sister and I have been the only ones to have children; she has 4 kids, and I have 3; her oldest is only 5 years younger than me-in fact, we are closer to each other in age than either of us to our nearest sibling. He lives in MD and works for NASA-really great guy. He and his wife are having TWINS!!


    Ok, just realized I didn’t hit “Post Comment”

    2 hours later: almost to Wiggins (and doing the speed limit finally) Talked to Poppy! He sounds 100% stronger! He drove himself to the hospital having chest pain. They hopped on him, and when the hospital called he was on his way to the CATH lab. He was having a heart attack but had stent placement in under an hour (or less). He’s stable and in ICU. God is good!

  16. dhcoop says:

    Clucky, you know we are all praying for him, dear!!

  17. Mrs. H says:

    Wow, Clucky! Praying for Poppy. El spent the night at the hospital,too, but happier circumstances. The friend she was spending the night with is having a baby sister!

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