I went in for a heart test a few years ago when I was having some chest pains. They did a calcium score on me (where they run a scan to see if you have any blockage) and ran an EKG. I had no blockage and passed the EKG with flying colors.
But I worry about it. Since there is a history of severe heart disease in my family (my dad’s dad and my mom), I work hard to take care of my ticker.
A few days ago, I was speaking to a high school friend who said, “I have to go now. I’m heading to a funeral of a friend our age who died in his sleep of a heart attack.”
And then last night, I met a great guy (who also reads this blog) who had a heart attack just last year and had quadruple by-pass plus several stents. He was forced to change his life (after a pretty rude wake-up call) and now eats healthy and exercises. He said the difference in his life was stunning. He has more energy and can savor being alive that much more.
I want to be like him. At least post-heart attack!
Living in Mississippi, people in my state have an astronomically high rate of heart disease. And in most cases, it is something we do something about. That’s why I exercise nearly everyday. I don’t want to become a statistic.
I ran 3.5 miles this morning. When I finished, I felt my beating heart nearly pound out of my chest.
You gotta have heart. That’s why I get out every day and take care of it.