Wednesday Free-For-All

Hope you had a great Christmas and survived the storm. It was one for the record books.

I had a great Christmas with fun, family, food and friends.


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13 Responses to Wednesday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:


    Even though we had a few issues with folks being sickly, it was a terrific Christmas! So great to see family I haven’t seen in a long time and get to spend some time with those I love so much.

    Now looking forward to seeing my BIL, who we are expecting to come in this weekend. He’s ready to get out of Russia. Even though it’s cold here, it’s nothing compared to what he is dealing with there!

    I’m going to spend the day around the house, trying to clean up the debris left by hurricane Big Sis before she makes landfall again this afternoon. :)

    I hope everyone has a great day!

  2. Molly says:

    Mornin. I took the day off and am glad I did. I don’t think I could have forced myself out of bed in time for work. I only slept an extra hour, but boy, did I need it!
    Have a great day everybody!

  3. parrotmom says:

    Morning, Brrrrrrr for the walk in to work.

    OB I forgot to tell you congrats for the news of the new grand baby. I hope all goes well with her pregnancy.

    Clucky, yes I plan to take the car this afternoon to confirm if the alternator or what. I did check the battery but could not find the date on when purchased. My oldest brother is off tomorrow so he could do some mechanic work if needed.

    Hope you all stay warm and healthy.

  4. msblondie says:

    morning gang! yes very cold.. i got up for work no problem this morning was suprised.

    yesterday we had excitement in all of the storm… when the wave came through about 715ish yesterday morning.. we heard a big clap of thunder, and the lighting flash, then something that sounded like a cannon.. lighting hit a pine tree across the road from us.. split it to the ground, had a hug flame coming out the top, – it sent pieces everywhere.. neighbor across the street has about a 4 foot piece sticking in the top of his roof over his front porch. We has police, fire, and mayor out in our road seeing what happen and to get the fire out.. the tree was still standing as of this morning.

    everyone stay warm and have a good day! … OB congrats!

  5. cardinallady says:

    Brrrrrrrrrrr. Good Morning! Merry Day afer Christmas everybody. I FINALLY found my good black gloves at the bottom of my crocheting bag. I’ve been hunting them for three days and they were just at my fingertips all the time!

    Jon would say I’m getting old and forgetful.

    Snow is occassionally spitting from the sky here. I just wish it would come down in a hurry. My brother is here safe and sound from Alaska at last. he flew in to California, was going to take a military hop to Texas but it was diverted to MARYLAND. So he had to rent a car and drive from there to here. Got here at 3 a.m. yesterday morning. Looking forward to spending time with him over the next 8 or 9 das.

  6. parrotmom says:

    CLady glad your brother made it in safely. Talk about traveling from one end if the United States to the other.

  7. msblondie says:

    Would someone please turn the heat back on just a little bit..

    been quiet today again.. but this is ok.

  8. cardinallady says:

    LOL Ms Blondie, It finally got warm enough in our office and it’s almost an hour til cosing time

  9. Mrs. H says:

    I had intended to post something earlier, but obviously I got side-tracked!!
    Now who’s old and forgetful?

    It’s about time for me to go home.

  10. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone it is cold, cold outside. Wish I was off in the morning. Oh well that is what an extra key is for to warm the car up.

    I took it two places this afternoon. Neither could find out why I was getting the message. The 2nd place said my battery was being charged and not to be afraid of it putting me down. So tomorrow I will trust his word. It was a local automotive repair place that I had used before. He said it could just be a wire going to a sensor connected to the positive side of the battery.

    Everyone stay warm if you can. I have a fire going and enjoying the warmth.

  11. Mrs. H says:

    I have a fire going, too, PM. The girls are headed to Clinton tomorrow for the Youth Evangelism Conference. That means a quiet night at home for Mr. H and me. I’m looking forward to that.

  12. Clucky says:

    Mornin. 6:30am, 12/27/12.

    Thankfully, we *only* got to 30 degrees last night, NOT 23 as predicted. Granted, it is
    STILL very cold!!

    MR, hope you can get the tooth situation fixed without too much trouble! I’m fairly dental phobic, but the the root canal I had in Flowood was easy-peasy. Over a year later-and my temporary crown is still hanging on!

  13. Mrs. H says:

    Good morning. Not quite as cold as predicted here, either, Clucky. However, for me, cold is cold! The girls leave at 9 this morning so I’m going in a bit later than 8 so they don’t have to sit around (translated: get up earlier).

    I got stuff to do today, so I may not be seen here until later.

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