Friday Free-For-All

Good morning from Tupelo!  I’m speaking to the CDF at 7 a.m. this morning and then checking out Elvis’ statue.  Then it’s back to Jackson to draw a cartoon and pick up my race packet for the Mississippi Blues Half Marathon (which I am running tomorrow).

Here’s last night’s sunset on the Ross Barnett Reservoir.


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16 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good morning Marshall from further south than Tupelo. Hope you talk goes well this morning. I will bne most interested in how many Elvis sitings you had during your stay?

    Everyone have a good day and a great weekend. Hugs and prayers.

  2. dhcoop says:


    Been busy, but doing fine. Hope everyone has a great day!

  3. Airwolf says:

    Morning! It is cold, 27 degrees! Going to get my truck about noon. Maybe it will warm up some.

  4. msblondie says:

    Morning gang!

    Everyone have a great day! I walked a mile last night.. with the hyper poddle – Moo. I felt great afterwards. I am going to be ready for this 5k in March!

  5. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Looks like a beautiful day outside but a bit chilly. Woke up earlier this morning, changed the air filters and went back to sleep. Need to change the oil in Bleuz. I’m sure it won’t have the same effect though.

  6. parrotmom says:

    Lol at OB. Didn’t know if air filters get changed anymore or not. No talk of pop corn either.

  7. cardinallady says:

    Morning! It’s Friday, right? My days have been so crazy with all this time off. I went with my little sis to carry brother to the airport in Memphis yesterday.

    He is coming back in April. He is so excited to be done with his army tour of duty.
    it took him a week to get down to “normal.” I can’t wait to see how he will be in April with his surgery behind him and cruising along.

    It has been quiet in here I see. So let’s get things dusted up.

    How are y’all’s muncipal races shaping up? Ours are getting INTERESTING already.

  8. parrotmom says:

    CLady looks like no one wanted t comment. Time to go home. You all have a terrific weekend.

  9. parrotmom says:

    Evening, I am freezing.

  10. Old Bopper says:

    Evening! Wishing you a good run tomorrow, Boss.

  11. dhcoop says:


    Spent the night with my girls last night. Got Christmas decorations down. Good times!

    Looking forward to seeing friends this afternoon.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  12. parrotmom says:

    Hey you all!! Have a great Saturday. I see Marshall has completed his half marathon. Congrats to him.

  13. CoachP says:

    Marshall – Well done on the Half Marathon!

  14. Airwolf says:

    Afternoon folks!

    Congrats on your run Marshall.

  15. Clucky says:

    Dang-it is STILL cold and now it’s raining.

    Last night, my cousin and her husband came over with a bottle of wine and visited for several hours. About 11, my son, his gf and his roommate came over with guitars. Great fun, great company!

    Congrats on the half-marathon, Boss!!

    My calico had her babies yesterday! 2 beautiful, silver/gray kittens the same color as their papa, the Persian! They definitely have his little ears, but may not have the flat face. Mama Coco is doing great. She’s been so sweet :)

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