Saturday Free-For-All

Sorry this is late. I left the house at 5:45 to go run the Mississippi Blues Half Marathon.

Hope you are having a great day.



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6 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. Old Bopper says:

    Afternoon! I guess the SEC is glad to see Ole Miss in a bowl game. They’ve played a good game and are clearly superior to Pittsburgh.

  2. Legal Eagle says:

    Another cold and wet day! Y’all stay warm.

    I don’t think I mentioned that the highlight of Christmas, other than going to Florida, was being invited to a Christmas Eve church service, by my friend, who is the choir director. I had never heard her sing before so I looked forward to that and was truly enriched to hear her sing a solo of O Holy Night. Afterwards, we went to her house for her annual Christmas Eve waffle dinner. There were about 20 neighbors and friends there and we had a great time. She and her husband started that tradition 23 years ago when her first child left home.

    Coop, what was that froggy looking drink you shared on FB?

  3. parrotmom says:

    Evening. Cold, bored, and no motivation :( Very tired of this wet, dreary weather.

  4. dwb810 says:

    Hello everyone, Happy New Year!

  5. Clucky says:

    Leagle, O Holy Night is my favorite Christmas song, followed closely by Silent Night. The day after Christmas, I realized I had not heard a single carol.

  6. parrotmom says:

    Clucky I heard several Christmas songs, but very few from the original format. Different singers sprucing them up to be more modern. The story the same, but missed the old versions. I guess a sign of aging.

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