Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Fitness Goals

ScaleWhile I ran this morning, I was greeted by a blanket of freezing fog. My lungs burned. My legs burned even more. I felt the lactic acid in my body shifting around.  Two days after the Mississippi Blues half-marathon, I felt creaky.  My heart rate jumped up again — but nothing like it did on Saturday. Today, it hovered in the 154-170 range.  I had as many hills as I had then. Maybe it was just because I only ran four miles.

It was 4.11 to be exact. I guess I can say it was a hell of a run — I burned 666 calories. That is slightly disturbing. But other than a balky left knee, it felt good to run today.

Wednesday it all changes.

That’s when I start Fit4Change. I’ll be joining legislators and average Mississippians (and average legislators) at Jackson State University as we go through Paul Lacoste’s aggressive one-hour workout.

It’s my second time through. Last year, I was TOTALLY out of shape.  I weighed 248 lbs. and could not run a mile. My goal was to get back to near 200 lbs.  I did it.

This year, I am 202 lbs. I am in much better shape than I was last year.  But I’m not in great shape.  My core strength is weak.  And I plan to lose some more weight.  Here are my goals:

1. To weigh 185. I weighed 175 when I got married. It can be done.

2. Have a size 34 waist.

3. Have my resting heart rate in the 50’s

4. To do every exercise 100% and have a strong mental attitude.

5. To run a 26-minute 5K

In a way, it will be harder this time. Losing the weight was easy last time because I had so much to lose. Now, I will be toning up. Muscle weighs more than fat.  I already eat like I am supposed to eat.   I have my work cut out for me. I won’t experience as dramatic of a change this time around.

But I need this mentally. I have big changes in my life ahead. I need the mental discipline and the energy to pull it off.  The hard work I put in at the crack of dawn will give me both.

Tomorrow I have my physical. I’ll post my numbers and then will post my numbers in 12 weeks. This is my experiment and journey. But you can follow along on this blog.

It’s time to go from Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit-to-Fitter.


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