Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! It’s nasty out there, so be careful.

Today was my first day of Fit4Change. The next twelve weeks will be tough, but life changing.


Calm on the Reservoir

Calm on the Reservoir

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10 Responses to Wednesday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:


    Really nasty drive in this morning! Fortunately, there were no accidents down my way so I made it fine.

    I hope everyone has a great day!

  2. msblondie says:

    morning gang! traffic was a bear this morning.. but like coop no accidents my way. everyone going a little slower.. think a lot also left later cause the rain made everyone oversleep.

    everyone have a wonderful day and stay dry.

  3. parrotmom says:

    Morning, happy to report all wet here :)

    Marshall I hope your next 12 weeks are awesome for you. Good start for the day. I was wondering how the toothpaste did on the knee this morning? (Referring to comment in FB).

  4. OldBopper says:

    Good morning! Hey toothpaste on the knee is better than sports cream on the tooth brush.

  5. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Looks like today is a wash. We had supper with my brother and his kids last evening. My friend Stan made us a huge pizza. It was very good. I posted a pic on FB. Really enjoyed my time with them.

    Hope you stay dry today!

  6. Molly says:

    Hello. Was headed back to work after lunch and saw a deer standing alongside Grants Ferry Road just people-watching. Nobody was behind me, so I sat there a couple of minutes watching her and she just stared back. I took a couple of photos and put them on Facebook.

  7. Mrs. H says:





    That’s all I can say. I think I’ll sit and knit until dinnertime. Thank goodness it’s Wednesday Night Supper at church tonight.

  8. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone!!! Another nasty day behind and another one to come. Hope you all are careful traveling in the rain and on the wet roads.

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