Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Benchmarks

Paul Lacoste speaks to the troops.

Paul Lacoste speaks to the troops.

Today was the first day of Fit4Change. Both the 5 a.m. and the 6 a.m. groups met this afternoon at the Capitol to get tested so we could have a baseline to begin the program.  We heard from Fit4Change leader Paul Lacoste (who looks good as he battles back from West Nile) and several of the sponsors.  Then we went and got some baseline health figures. I’ll compare these to the numbers from 12 weeks from now.

Mine were:

Cholesterol: 162 (up from 154 two weeks ago).

Good Cholesterol: 42 (low, but higher than what it has been in the past).

Triglycerides: 82

Blood Pressure: 126/72  (it was 110/62 a couple of weeks ago).

Heart rate: 62 beats per minute.

Waist: 34 inches (it was 40 this time last year)

Hips: 39 inches

Reach: 14 inches

Weight: 210 lbs. (fully clothed)


Other than a bum left knee, I’m in much better shape going into it than I was last year.  But I also have knowledge of how tough it will be.  Tomorrow morning, I’ll be getting up at 3:45 a.m. and heading in to take my life to the next level.  For the next 12 weeks, I’ll be working to once again change my life.









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