Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 4

“I’ve just run a whole hour. I’ve never done that before in my life and I’m nearly sixty.” The lady standing next to me was crying as she said that.  I don’t know her name, but I could feel her pride in her accomplishment. Her body had just done something her mind said she couldn’t do.  She had every right to feel proud. And I felt proud for her as I hobbled toward the showers.

I felt like crying too. But it was just because of the pain.

Today was an upper body workout day.  And I’ll have to admit, typing is a challenge right now — my arms are limp spaghetti noodles. Line 2 (my group) started with full court runs broken into three parts. Part one was a sprint and then 10 pushups. Part 2 was a shuffle and then 10 more pushups and then a sprint with, you guessed it, 10 MORE pushups.  Then rinse and repeat.

We then went to the treadmills and ran 6 mph.  I did the elliptical and did 8 mph because of my knee. It has inflammation on the left kneecap and is quite painful.

After that, we did stations on the weight equipment.  All upper body, of course.  My arms began wearing out.  My upper body strength (I haven’t trained much for it lately) is nil.

The last station was the killer: Bear crawls, moving pushups, inchworms. And once again, rinse and repeat.  My arms started to lock up and burn in pain.

I’m lucky I didn’t face plant.

Jury’s out on my knee. I’ll continue to ice it and eat ibuprofen like Tic-tacs. If I wasn’t doing the program, I’d probably lay off it for two weeks. But Scalestrangely enough, the stretching we do really helps.  I’ll play it by ear (or play it by knee, I guess.)  And continue to play through the pain.

But honestly, my  biggest accomplishment was that I got out of bed this morning. That I drove in and worked out.  I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and bathed my brain with healthy endorphins.  Yes, I’m tired.  But I do have a sense of accomplishment.

I’m in a better place than I was last year when I first did Fit4Change.  But I have so much more work to do before I get to the next level.

I just hope my knee holds out.  Walmart doesn’t sell those.  And Lord knows I can’t afford another one right now.

Goal weight: 185 lbs.

Today’s Weight 205 lbs.



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4 Responses to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 4

  1. KJ says:

    Hey! I am doing the 12 week camp at Madison Central. Day three last week I jacked up my ankle. Dr. says its tendonitis. This is my first time to do the program and I have pains in parts of my body that I never thought existed. I’m like you in that I’m taking it one day at a time. Its hard getting up in the morning but I feel like I can accomplish anything after I finish. I hope your knee & my ankle hold up for the upcoming weeks!

    • Marshall Ramsey says:

      I fought through a couple of nasty injuries last time and ran the final race with the mother of all shin splits (I did the race in 28 minutes even with that pain). I know you’ll have a great 12 weeks. My arms feel like noodles right now!

  2. KJ says:

    When I left this morning to go to work my arms started shaking uncontrollably. It looked like I was having withdrawal symptoms from drinking! :)

  3. parrotmom says:

    Good luck with your knee, but obey the warning signs.

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