Sunday Free-For-All

Bumpy weather out there today. Be safe and have a great Sunday!laid off

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8 Responses to Sunday Free-For-All

  1. Clucky says:

    Miss Chicklette was chosen as a Beauty.

    Oh, Blues..I’m afraid I’m closer to Swamp People than Toddlers & Tiaras!
    Thank God.

  2. Msblondie says:

    Afternoon.. Storms in and out.. Might need a boat later on to go anywhere.

    Since I can’t watch the MBA game due to weather take over think I will knit.

  3. Clucky says:

    I’m relaxed for the first time in 2 weeks. Time for a WM run…

  4. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone. I didn’t mean to be missing today. I didn’t sleep well woke up in plenty of time for a relaxing get reay to go to church day. Not, fell back to sleep and had barely an hour to feed cats get them out. get the parrot up and feed him. Then deal with myself. Made it to Sunday school with time to spare. Came home played on FB some and then was so cold so the next best thing while it flooded outside was take a nap. So now it is 7:45 and I am on target for the rest of the evening. Hope you all fared well during the storms and raiin.

  5. parrotmom says:

    Clucky congrats to Chicklette. Also, if you were relaxed before WM I am sure you are not now. Love you!

  6. Msblondie says:

    What a wild day. M is in Memphis for Grammys. My parents were driving in all the weather today after being in NO. My sis and her family were still there.. My cousin is at usm. Missed her apartment by 100 yards.. She is ok, my uncle and aunt have her now at home.

    Everyone have a good night.

  7. cardinallady says:

    I woke up from a teo hr nsp at ninethirty and heard the tornado news. Ms. B glad yall are safe.. How I pray everyone else is tooo

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