Mastering the Voice of Doubt

11760252_10155857237575721_7609399874164524303_nThis is the last week of the 12-week Paul Lacoste Bootcamp. I work out on the Madison Central football field from 5 until 6 each morning — it’s an intense workout. And I’m easily in the best shape of my life. But today, I faced one of my biggest challenges yet.

As you might of noticed, it’s very hot — even at 5 a.m. My body does not handle heat well (a curse) and my athletic ability has suffered. I’m not going to lie, today’s was difficult. And somewhere along the way, the little voice in my head uttered the two nastiest four-letter words in my vocabulary:

Just Quit.

It happened as we were running up and down the bleachers at the end of the workout. We had already been taken to the woodshed and were tired. I had stumbled and bumbled and felt dizzy. And then I heard it.

“Just quit.”

“NO!” I yelled back to myself. “I WILL NOT JUST QUIT!”

My body raised its hand, “Um, if we walk right now, you can catch your breath.”

“NO. I have come this far.”

I started thinking about how hot it was and how my body wasn’t handling the heat well.

Then I thought, “But I am doing this. And by doing this, I’m getting better and stronger.”

“Just quit.”

I heard it again. I stiffened my resolve and answered, “Hell no.”

Paul Lacoste talks about the Next Level. I’m sure it means many things to my friends who are out there with me. For me, not quitting when things get tough is the next level. It’s learning to master and dominate the little voice in your head. The voice of doubt.

I’ll be back out there tomorrow. I’m sure I’ll hear that voice again. And once again, I’ll tell it to shut the heck up.

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