The Invaluable Lesson of Mr. 25-lb. Weight

A few weeks ago, I was presented with the rather crappy task of running while carrying Mr. 25 lb. Weight. Some of the time, I even had to hold him over my head. There were moments when I thought, “I can’t do this.” But I changed my self-talk to “I’ve got this” or “I used to weigh this” and completed the run. It taught me of the importance of mind over matter — if your mind is right, it doesn’t matter.

Guess what we did today? I spent some quality time once again with Mr. 25 lb. Weight. We ran back and forth across the stripes on the football field all the way down the field.

So how did it go? Much differently this time around.

It really wasn’t that that bad. The confidence I gained last time helped. I trained my shoulders to be able to handle a greater load. I worked hard because I knew that this day would come again. My mind was right and my body was ready.

I say this because there are so many things in life that we never do because we fear them. That fear keeps us from training. Lack of training keeps us from improving. And when the situation arises again (and it will) we’re not ready.

I’ve always heard the best way to overcome fear is to take action. My time with Mr. 25 lb. Weight gave me undeniable proof that this is true.

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