Thursday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up?

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43 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. Airwolf says:

    Morning! What’s up, more rain.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good morning, I sure could use the weekend. Happy Thursday :)

  3. dhcoop says:


    Sinuses are talking to me this morning.

  4. Bob Everett says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Supposed to be sunny and dry today. Got to head to the Capitol today and try to find some legislation that has been cleverly diced up and incorporated in other bills. Making sausage is not pretty.

  5. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Supposed to be sunny and dry today. Got to head to the Capitol today and try to find some legislation that has been cleverly diced up and incorporated in other bills. Making sausage is not pretty.

  6. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

    /heads next door to foreman’s trailer for coffee

  7. parrotmom says:

    Blues good to hear from you these last few days. Enjoy that coffee :)

    OB, hope that sausage doesn’t get too nasty.

  8. parrotmom says:

    Coop, I think I could use something for my sinuses too!

  9. Ann Onimous says:

    Happy Friday! It’s my last day of the week! Huzzah!

    Now off to make breakfast and get coffee. :)

  10. parrotmom says:

    Oh yes,. not sure what happened to that little mouse, but nothing happened as described yesterday. I want say that one day it want happen, just not this time.

  11. parrotmom says:

    I hope you all have a Fantastic Day!!!

  12. dhcoop says:

    Yes (as I sit here trapped by a train)… let’s all have another Super Fantastic day!

  13. Molly says:

    Mornin. Coworker — who really couldn’t do the job and was causing me lots more work and tons of headaches and really needed to be fired — up and quit yesterday. Hallelujah!!! The boss knew she needed to go, but hates firing, so I was afraid she was here for the long run. It won’t really cause me more work at this point, cause I was already having to redo everything she did.
    If anyone knows of someone looking for legal secretarial work and doesn’t need insurance, let me know.

    • cardinallady says:

      Amen what Clucky said about who to call. LegalEagle! She will come right over with her legal talloons ready to work. :)

  14. Clucky says:

    Molly, call Leagle!!!

    Sho Happy It’s Thursday! Superfantastic day? Really? I don’t do perky. I think I will save that phrase for Friday’s at 5.

    Have to go back to Jackson tomorrow-drove over Tuesday only to discover the appt had been changed 30 minutes prior to my arrival, and I wasn’t notified. Then I go back for my appt next Tuesday with the neurologist. Getting a bit nervous-this is the big one we’ve been waiting for since October.

    • cardinallady says:

      Clucky, I’ve been thinking about you lately girl. I do pray everything goes okay.

      “Dear Lord, please give Clucky peace of mind and heart that can only come from You. Thank you for being personally involved in our everyday heartaches and troubles as well as our joys and smiles. Thank YOU for making life worth living during these two seconds we are on earth before we step into eternity. Bless us all today. In your precious name, Amen.”

  15. cardinallady says:

    Morning dearies. Got here early and have been perusing the paper and cutting out what I want of it before putting it away. Have a busy day lined up beginning at 9:30. The best thing about the day is I get to see my favorite school resource officer. :) They are test driving golf carts with the drunk goggles on today.

    • blues4you says:

      You’re going to have to explain this to me, cardinal.

      • cardinallady says:

        My favorite school resource officer is teaching the seniors what it is like to drive when you are drunk (like some of them don’t already know what it is like.) There are special goggles that they put on and they drive a golf cart down the field behind the school to see if they can control the cart.

  16. msblondie says:

    morning gang! already been swamped since i walked in the door.

    cl: they did that yesterday at Terry – Ford and Marsha Barbour were at the school. M said there were so many cops at the school .. she was afraid something else was going on.

    tons to do and it is a short day today. everyone have a great day!

  17. Barb says:

    Morning, everyone! About to run a few errands. Hope all of you have a great day!!

  18. msblondie says:

    lunch – turkey sandwich and a bc powder.

    this afternoon looks to be better.. also Baseball Season is Offically Started.

  19. Ann Onimous says:

    Looks like I need to locate a bead shop. Anyone have any ideas?

  20. dhcoop says:

    AnnO, maybe pncpnthr will peak in and see your question. She works with beads and may can point you in the right direction.

    I had the rest of my Room Service salad and a steamed Healthy Choice meal. It was pretty good.

  21. blues4you says:

    I miss tank.

  22. The Real JB says:

    Hey this is a nicer room with her not here…she never has anything good to say to me.

  23. Barb says:

    Ann, there is Dream Beads at the Market in Fondren. Also Village Beads in Ridgeland.

  24. The Real JB says:


  25. msblondie says:

    what a day this has been. Tomorrow will be just as crazy for that is when all my month end/quarter end stuff has to be done.
    I do know my jaw is tired from chewing some rear today cause i am tired of nothing getting done by service techs.

    I hope everyone has a great evening…

  26. OldBopper says:

    Evening everybody. What’s with Tank? Can she not access Marshall’s web site?

  27. parrotmom says:

    MsB I know what you mean. A last minute decision at 4:28 made a person very sad. So sorry nothing else could be done.

    I miss Tank to her service is out at home and like some of the rest of us we don’t want to get caught bending rules.

    I hope someone let’s Eagle know about the opening where Molly is.

    PD’s cousin finished the bathroom down the hall it looks awesome. So glad to be rid of all that old wall paper. Only place left with wall paper is outside the master bath the entrance at the front door and one wall in my blue/computer room. It is very 70ish gold back ground with black felt like design and the other is black felt strips. Not ready to tackle those two places.

    I hope everyone has a nice evening.

  28. dhcoop says:


    Home watching AI results.

  29. OldBopper says:

    Been purchasing some stuff. Priced it all locally and it came to $428. Bought the exact same merchandise on the internet for $287 with free delivery to my door. Savings = $141. Even if I had to pay Mississippi sales tax, I would have saved $121.

    Mississippi merchants could have matched the on line price and still made money. Wonder if they check the internet to see if they are competitive or not.

    I saved almost $500 when I purchased my big screen LED tv on line and it also was delivered to my door. Had I bought it locally, I would have needed to borrow a pick up to bring it home or pay $50 to have the store deliver it.

    When I bought my speaker system, there was not a merchant in the whole state that carried that item.

    The point being that the retail market is now at least nation wide. Local store owners are no longer just competing with the merchant down the street.

  30. dhcoop says:

    I’m looking forward to a sleepover tomorrow night! My Baby Girl has invited me over.

  31. parrotmom says:

    OB congratulations on your purchachaes.

    Coop so cool on the sleep over.

    Nite lite is on!!!

    What ever happened to Sidetracked? Is she SideTracked?

  32. dhcoop says:


    Up early and getting my stuff together to go work out.

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