The Speedy Clydesdale: The Fit Test

This morning was the PLS fit-test.

No, we weren’t pushed until we threw a fit. We had to do push-ups, sit-ups, the 100-yard short shuttle, the one-mile run, step-ups (with a 45 lb. plate) and squats (with another 45-lb. plate.)

How did I do? I passed.

Some people don’t like doing the fit-test. I do. Why? It gives me accurate benchmarks to set my goals by. It also reminds me of what happens when I eat like a pig over Christmas.

So here are my results and my goals for the end of the 12-weeks.
1. Pushups: 40. Goal 80.
2. Sit-ups: 30 Goal 100
3. 100-yard short shuttle: 24 seconds. Goal 21 seconds.
4. Step-ups: 40 Goal 60
5. Squats: 50 Goal 100
6. One Mile run: 8:38. Goal 7 minutes flat.

Weight today 218. Goal 199

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