It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish.
I saw Bracey this morning in the office. She works out at JSU, I am at Madison. But we both did our Paul Lacoste fit test today. So I asked her, “how did it go?”
She told me her mile time sheepishly. She went over her workout and then said she jogged between every test because that’s what Paul wants. I looked at her and was incredibly proud of her.
She’s out there. She’s up early and making a change in her life. I told her that she would be SO proud of her numbers at the end of the 12 weeks. That all the soreness and hard work would pay off with great results. I hope that helped her a little bit. Bracey’s one of the good guys. She always has a smile on her face and works amazingly hard — I offered to encourage her anyway I can.
It’s not where we start, it’s where we finish.
The best way to finish well is to focus on the process. Try to get better every step along the way. And encourage your friends. Because you never know when you’ll need a lift yourself.
Good job Bracey. I’m very, very proud of you.
#fit4change #PLSports