I have let myself go.
Well, that’s a bit harsh but I have put on 30 lbs. I went from fit to fat. Why? I hurt my knee in November, tried to stay in shape by going to the gym, got caught up in the stress of a new job and trying to keep up with my master’s class and traveled. A lot.
Food became a crutch. Bad food. I then quit caffeine (not a totally bad thing) I got lazy and started sleeping until 5:30 a.m.
I know. What a slacker, right?
Add to that this: I am wired weird — I am in constant fight or flight mode (why is a story for another day). Basically, I feel like I am constantly under threat. That wears me out. I need exercise. It keeps me sane.
So something has to give. And tomorrow, it will.
The 4 a.m. Wake-Up Club is back.
Diet. Exercise. Prayer. Planning. Meditation. That’s the foundation of my plan. I will look at my relationships, my work, my physical health and my mental/spirtual health.
Tomorrow, I start a new round of Paul Lacoste’s bootcamp as I train for November’s marathon. I will keep track of my progress and the progress of my teammates and report back here.
I am in terrible shape. So this will be hard. But nothing in life that’s worth it is ever easy.
Mississippi struggles in several health categories. I refuse to be a statistic. Tomorrow, I begin to change all that — for the better.