Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 44

Goal Weight: 195

If you saw a group of people running around downtown Jackson at 5:15 a.m., what the hell were you doing up at 5:15?  Seriously.  But if you were up, the Fit4Change teams ran a practice 5K downtown, starting and ending at the State Capitol. The course was good. The weather was gooder. The company was goodest. Or something like that.  My only problem is that I can’t see well without my glasses (go figure) and the potholes and uneven sidewalks scared the snot out of me.  It was even money that I’d end up with a turned ankle at the very least. A face-plant at the worst.   I survived intact and finished about the same as I did last week’s St. Paddy’s Day 5K — around 28 minutes.   If you’d like to come run a FREE 5K next Thursday at the State Capitol, sign up here (and say I sent you.)

I’ve been REALLY hungry this week. I mean REALLY hungry.  I haven’t eaten any junk this week, but I’ve consumed more fruit and Clif Bars. Nothing wild, and I still consumed less than the recommended amount of calories for someone my size and activity.  But I’ve plateaued and I seriously suspect my body is hanging on to each calorie like I’m in starvation mode. It’s trying to tell me something by my appetite roaring to life.  I have five more pounds to hit to get 40 pounds for the Paul LaCoste program.  That’s my goal for the week.  Five pounds. Time to get serious.

Speaking of a week, I have one more week in the program.  This blog runs daily until Day 48.  And then it will be more periodic.  After next week, I’m going to ramp up my running distance and start training for a half marathon.  There are a couple of people who are whispering “marathon” in my ear — but the jury is still out on that. But how cool is it that I even have the option?  On the last day of the Fit4Change program, I’m going to go back to day one and read how out of shape I actually was.

I will miss the people I see every morning. My team, Line 2, have been so encouraging to me as I came from the beginner’s line. They have lifted me up on days when I wanted to lie down and quit. And it has been fun to watch my old teammates in the beginner’s line (for a lack of a better term), as they got better throughout the program. Thank you for encouraging me the first two weeks when I thought I was going to die.  Paul LaCoste pushed me harder than I would have pushed  myself (and I’ve run a marathon).  The pushing has paid off with added energy and a healthier life.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the blog. I wrote it to jot down my impressions of a journey from obesity to health. I wanted to mark the victories and the defeats. And I wanted to show that anyone can go from being fat to fit.

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2 Responses to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 44

  1. parrotmom says:

    I have enjoyed your post of your daily trials and accomplishments. You are doing great and keep up the good work.

  2. cardinallady says:

    Marshall, *red wing salute* (twice) You are INSPIRING!!!!

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