Sunday Free-For-All

Been camping with my son all weekend. Sorry for the delay — I had no cellphone service.

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8 Responses to Sunday Free-For-All

  1. CornPop says:

    Can’t think of any better reason and, IMO, you don’t have anything to apologize for, MR! Beautiful weekend for camping! :-D

  2. parrotmom says:

    I agree with CornPop.

    Spent today with PD and his children. I think it is great that both had time to spend with there dad and that he was lucid and spoke to us all knowing what he was saying. I know what he told his son and I know it hurt like #*%@! His daughter like me is strong and only lets go when alone. She is spending the night with him tonight I told her good luck if she thought she would sleep any and to come home if she needed to or wanted too!!

  3. OldBopper says:

    Had a fun picnic at lunch today at River Bend at mile marker 123 on the Natchez Trace. Then had a nice visit with daughter and her fiance in his, soon to be their, house. They are getting it decorated and have much of the furniture moved in. Afterward went for a ride on Boule.

    Second cataract surgery in the morning. Looking forward to having both eyes seeing equally.

  4. dhcoop says:


    I had a great day playing in dirt. I have a bunch of heirloom tomatoes, peppers, herbs, etc. ready to go in the garden. Incredible weather!

    Glad to hear PDs kids came to visit. Should do him good.

    Heard from my BFF in Oregon. Hubby has turned the corner for the better! A long road ahead, but looking a lot better. Thanks again for the prayers.

  5. Legal Eagle says:

    I hope y’all saw my apple salad recipe at the end of the Saturday FFA. It is wonderful!

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