Monday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you have a great week. Good luck to Old Bopper on his eye surgery this morning.

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24 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good morning to you all. Marshall have a great week also.
    Coop I hope your garden grows well and so glad to hear that your friend has turned the corner for the better.

    Happy Monday to all!! Good luck OB that your 2nd eye surgery goes as equally well as the first.

    Prayers for all that are in need —which is probably everyone whether great or small we all not that help.

  2. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

    Good luck with the surgery this morning, OB. You made me mighty homesick with your picnic in my backyard yesterday. I live about 1.2 miles from that site.

    Prayers, PM.

  3. dhcoop says:


    Good luck with the surgery, OB.

  4. msblondie says:

    morning gang! had a busy busy weekend. Friday night – went to dinner with hubby.. then to my parents’ to work on Zippity dodah stuff – then grocery shopping – home 2am. Saturday up and worked in the back yard – then to fondren for the parade – it was really fun and had blast but those hills liked to did me in. Yesterday – had to an errand then more work in the back yard – we can now see our fence. The jungle is coming tamed once more.

    everyone have a great day.

  5. dhcoop says:

    Oh boy! McDades pot roast for lunch!

  6. cardinallady says:

    Afternoon. zipping through! Sorry I meant to say hello while ago but I got so excited about the apple salad recipe that I had to go print it. HUNGRY now. I bought some cinnamon raisin bagels last week and have enjoyed having them for breakfast and a just before bed snack.

    I AM going to cook a banana pudding this week sometime. It will be my very first EVER. It may not be fit for the dogs, but I’m going to try my hand at it anyway.

    Well, I didn’t save a snake last Saturday, My cat caught and ate it despire my efforts chasing it under the bushes and such. It was a speckled king snake too.

    • Mrs. H says:

      I made a banana pudding recipe last week. One of the girls asked what it was for and I said, “Dessert!” They thought I was taking it somewhere. : )

      Follow the recipe on the box of vanilla wafers and make sure your bananas aren’t green. All should be well. and it’ll be better the next day, too.

  7. Clucky says:

    I’m in Jackson waiting at my neurosurgeon’s office. This will be the appt that (hopefully) that will get me starting physical therapy. Still having left arm weakness and neck stiffness. Haven’t lifted more than 15# in ten weeks. Eager to see my x-ray.

    OB, ai wish Mama had told me she had cataracts. She went to the eye doc annually, but never told me the results. I know she had stopped reading and driving, but ai wasn’t sure if it was vision loss or memory loss. Turns out when we took her to the ER with her stroke, her cataracts were so large, the drs. couldn’t even see her optic nerves. She loved to read. I have my appt next week that I am quite sure will result in bifocals. I am looking forward to being able to see again.

    Love y’all.

  8. Old Bopper says:

    Thanks for the kind thoughts everybody. CL, I’m with MrsH. The best recipe is on the pudding box.

    I think the surgery went well, but it’s too soon to tell for sure. The eye is, as it is supposed to be, very dilated and foggy to see through. I think it took about ten hours for the first one to get normal. Soooo, by six or seven this evening, it should come into focus. Will be at least a week and maybe more before I can get new glasses so PQ is taking me to the drug store to get some sunglasses and a pair of readers for close up stuff.

    Clucky, it’s a shame your Mom didn’t have the surgery. For those who are on Medicare, the total cost for both eyes is $10 and that includes new glasses. One of the best bargains around! So don’t let the cost worry you.

  9. Old Bopper says:

    Oh, and for the record, I had mine done at the Eye Clinic of Jackson.

  10. GrammarGirl says:

    The vanilla wafers recipe may be good, but nothing beats “Not Yo Mama’s Banana Pudding,” at least in my opinion. Oh my word, that stuff is delicious. Made with chessmen cookies. Yum, yum, yum!

    • Legal Eagle says:

      Okay, Grammargirl. Don’t throw out these tantalizing tidbits with no explanation and no recipe. What is not yo mama’s banana pudding?

  11. msblondie says:

    I could use some banada pudding right now to go with this prayer request.
    Saturday night my parents had to take my uncle to the ER. He coded this morning before 6. The doctors got him “back” but he is for all purposes of living gone. My mother just had to make the hardest decision a person has to make with a person in this condition. The doctor told her they would keep him comfortable till he passes or a miracle happens. So it is now just a matter of time. Please pray for my family.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      I will, MsBlondie. My friend L told us today that her mother had a couple of strokes last night and it’s just a matter of time. Her mom just had her 101st birthday, has dementia and is in a nursing home and I think they are calling hospice in.

    • Barb says:

      Praying for you and your family.

  12. blues4you says:

    Prayers, msblondie.

    Glad the procedure went well, OB. Still jealous of your picnic in my “backyard”. Makes me homesick.

    I use fat free puddin’ in my ‘nanner puddin’. Makes the folks on a diet feel better about eatin’ it. :)

    Wishin’ you the best news, clucks. srsly

  13. Old Bopper says:

    Blues, I really did think about you during our picnic. The river and the res are way, way up.

    The eye still isn’t focused but it’s getting there. Should be pretty clear by sunset.

    MRSH, I was wrong about the recipe location. You are correct it’s on the vanilla wafer box. Never tried it with chessmen cookies. Will have to look into that.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      It’s on the Nilla Vanilla Wafer box. And what are chessman cookies?

      I’m glad you’ve gotten your surgery behind you, OB. You will be running around singing “I can see clearly now….”

  14. dhcoop says:

    Did anyone go out and see Venus today? You can see it right now (OB, you probably can’t), but it’s up and to the right of the crescent moon. Very cool.

  15. parrotmom says:

    Coop I saw it last night and thought how awesome. I wish this building wasn’t in my way so I could see it now.

    PD has done exceptionally better today after the prognosis I was repeatedly given to prompt me to call in the family. The words for today are “clinically speaking” what the heck does that mean? I had talk to this doctor 3-4 times to get any kind of understanding. Who knows what shape he may be in tomorrow or the days to come.

  16. parrotmom says:

    OB glad you are doing well after your eye procedure.

    Yumm!!!! Banana pudding, mom ways did the recipe off the vanilla wafer box for the custard. Has been too many years ago.

  17. Legal Eagle says:

    BE makes his banana pudding with pudding mix, but to me banana pudding just isn’t right unless it’s made with cooked custard. He did use banana flavored pudding last time and that made it better than with the vanilla.

    I got up late and had to be at my friend’s house, so I haven’t had a chance to call anywhere to get information about MRBA pick-a-nick locations yet, but I don’t have any particular place to go tomorrow, so I hope I can get it done then.

  18. dhcoop says:


    You can see Jupiter and Venus with the moon right now PM.

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