Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: The Final Exam

Goal Weight: 195 lbs.

I ran 3.24 miles this morning. My shin still hurts and I did not have the proper amount of time to run farther (I have to get to work by 6). So I got up at 4:30, hit the road, did a quick run and then got ready. I chose a hilly course and ran up hills that would have killed me even a month ago. When I got home, I looked at the 26.2 sticker on my car and thought, “I could do another one of those.”  It’s a good feeling.

Paul LaCoste has planned a (free) 5K run (you are invited to be a part of it) on Thursday at 6 p.m.  It starts on the South side of the State Capitol and winds through the streets of Jackson.  That’s the Fit4Change final exam.  The big goal. What we’ve been working toward.  ButI have a much together test this week: My schedule. And weeks like this why I have working out for the last 11 weeks:

Today: Work 12 hours. Then judge Taste of Mississippi at Highland Village tonight.

Tomorrow: Get up at 3:30 a.m. Work two jobs over 12 hours. Drive to Columbus. Do my show from there and then drive back tomorrow night.

Wednesday: Get up at 3:30 a.m.  Fitness test. Work two jobs over 12 hours.  Film a TV spot for my race, Run from the Sun at Fox 40. Drive to Oxford. Do my show from there and then give a speech to the Mississippi Bankers Association. Drive home that night.

Thursday. Work morning job. Run 5K.

Friday. Get up at 3:30 a.m.  Last workout. Do interview Run from the Sun segment on WLBT. Work two jobs over 12 hours. Go home, collapse in a heap.

That’s MY final exam.  Every bit of it is a blessing — but I have to have the energy to pull it off.  And that’s why I have been going from fat to fit.

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