Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: 4/4/12

Goal Weight: 195 lbs

Today’s Weight: 204 lbs.

The alarm went off at 5:15 and I almost felt like I had slept in. Almost.  I quickly got my shower and headed to work.  No exercise for me.  But that’s OK.  I worked out last night.

I ran 4.28 miles in my neighborhood after 9 p.m..  Yes, I ran. In the dark. And in the rain. I was serenaded by a symphony of frogs as a light shower fell from the sky.  Lightning flickered off to the west, causing my heart to skip a beat.  In the 42 minutes I ran, I only heard distant rolling thunder twice.

My leg, which was diagnosed with a nasty case of shin splints, held up fine. I ran without ibuprofen just to see how badly it would hurt.  After about a mile, it warmed up enough for the pain to stop.  I ran up and down several hills.  I averaged right at six mph, even including several steep hills along the route.

Before I ran, I did 75 pushups and 75 sit-ups. I did two minutes of “wall sits” to work on my legs.  I may no longer be in the program, but I want to keep my fitness up.  I still have about ten more pounds to lose this months. And as you might have noticed, the weight is stubbornly hanging on.

Life after the Fit4Change workout isn’t much different than before.  I’m still sticking to the changes that have brought me this far. I ate two salads yesterday.  I rode the bike and ran.  I’m still making good choices instead of bad.  Because it really wasn’t about the 12 weeks I was in the program. No, it’s about the rest of my life going forward.

I never want to be fat and out of shape again.  It just can’t be allowed to happen. And I’m willing to put in the time and effort to make sure it never does.

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3 Responses to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: 4/4/12

  1. Clucky says:

    Will you be running the 5K this weekend? I hope we can come to RFTS Saturday, if only for moral support. Keep up the good work. You inspire me daily, whether it be fitness, attitude, spending quality family time, and loving your wife. You’ve been through hell and back in the last 18 months, but you haven’t wallowed in self-pity; you just keep on keeping on.

    Congratulations to Rick for his being named the new director for the MS Sports Hall of Fame. I know you are happy for him as well.

    Have a good day. I look forward to hearing your voice at 3:00 this afternoon.

  2. Clucky says:

    Err, I don’t love your wife (you know what I mean) but you remind us to nurture the most important partnership in the world.

  3. Marshall Ramsey says:

    I got what you meant. And thank you. It has been 18-months of frustration, panic and blessings. Amy has had to bear a lot of the suffering. It has been a learning experience — and one I needed.

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