Good things

It has been a week of change. I watched as my sister buried her beloved husband. Now I’m about to watch several talented long-time co-workers walk through the door. I’m heading to Arkansas for speaking event. And I’ll be co-hosting 9th Annual Run from the Sun.  I’ve drawn  few cartoons in there and hosted a couple of radio shows.  My future is cloudy, just like the rain-filled skies above.

But in the middle of all that, I feel calm. I have a warm glow of hope.  Yes, I worry about my sister — she suffered a terrible blow. And as a reader of The Clarion-Ledger, I’m stunned at the loss of some of my favorite writers.  But I know that good things are going to be happening soon.  Don’t ask me what. Just believe me when I saw that they are.

Now all I have to do is work my butt off.  The rest will work out on its own.  Good things are on there way.  I firmly believe it with my whole being.

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One Response to Good things

  1. Legal Eagle says:

    Hang in there, Marshall. I look forward to seeing you Saturday!

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