In memory of ParrotDad

ParrotDad passed away this evening.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to ParrotMom and her family.

God be with you.

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23 Responses to In memory of ParrotDad

  1. Airwolf says:

    Lord wrap your arms around PM. Instill in her your peace that surpasses all understanding. Rest in Peace PD. You fought a long courageous battle.

  2. Clucky says:

    We love you, PM. May God’s angels hold you in their wings.

  3. dhcoop says:

    PM, we love you and are here for you.

    Thank you, Marshall. Thank you for being here for all of us.

  4. Marshall Ramsey says:

    It’s been a rough, rough week all around. If we are not here for each other, we have nothing.

  5. Ann Onimous says:

    We love you, PM: we’re all praying for you.

  6. Susan H says:

    So very sorry to hear this news. I know it’s been a hard road PM. Prayers for the whole Parrot family.

  7. Old Bopper says:

    Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

    Please let your light shine upon your servant David. Receive him into your loving arms and grant him eternal life free of pain and sadness.

    Be with his wife, Kathleen. Comfort her in her grief. Give her the courage she needs in this time of sadness. Guide her to make the right decisions in the coming hours. And I especially pray that her family and friends are able to reach out to her with love, kindness, and comfort.

    In the name of Jesus I pray,

  8. CornPop says:

    Orville and I are shedding tears of sorrow for you, Dear Friend! Your constant uplifting support of us has been an invaluable gift and I wish I could make your heartache go away. May our love surround you with some sense of warmth and comfort.

  9. Molly says:

    Love you, PM! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{PM}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

  10. parrotmom says:

    Thank you Marshall for this memory of ParrotDad. Thank you all for the prayers the hug and all your kind words. I was truely blessed that I had David for several months since that terible incidnet on 11-11-11. Not many have that chance to have that time afer a friend, family is gone in a heartbeat and they never had even a moment to be with them first. God gave us that time and once David came back and regained a lot of memory he set his goal to walk again he was not going to let that paralysis hold him back. He was so proud that no it wasn’t perfect and the short term memory loss that he was left with after the stroke due to loss of oxygen to the brain made someone to have to remind him what to do. He made his goal as he had done so many times before. After calling the immediate family members last night I called Clucky one of our MRBA’ers members to let this family and friends know. Thank you all for lifing me and my family up as you are doing.

  11. CornPop says:

    You have no idea how much of a truly amazing inspiration you are to me, ParrotMom! Please know that my arms are wrapped around you, in spirit, and that I love you.

  12. blues4you says:

    My deepest sympathies, PM. You have been an inspiration during all of this. May the Lord grant you peace and comfort during this time of sorrow.

  13. msblondie says:

    Love ya PM! Praying for you to find comfort.

  14. cardinallady says:

    Clucky, THANKS for calling me last night. You figured I might not get to check the blog until today. You are a sweet nursie!

    PM I love you girl. The willows are weeping with you. You ARE an inspriation to me.

  15. dwb810 says:

    PM, you have been an inspiration to all of us. PD fought hard and you fought equally as hard for him. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  16. GrammarGirl says:

    Praying for you now and in the difficult days and weeks to come. My father passed away in 1991, and there are still moments when I miss him so badly it takes my breath away. You will be close to my heart and in my thoughts and prayers.

  17. Legal Eagle says:

    There will be many times you will think of something or something will happen and your first thought will be to share it with PD until you realize that it will have to wait until you see him next time.

    I love you PM and am here if you need me.

  18. bella says:

    Sending all my love and hugs and prayers to a strong and wonderful lady.

  19. Mrs. H says:

    PM, We are honored that we got to know your husband through you and this little piece of cyberspace. Our prayers are with you, my dear.

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