Thursday Free-For-All

Good morning. Let’s hope today is a better day.

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49 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:


    I was a bit confused when I saw PMs post on Wednesday FFA, but then realized it must have been a delayed post from earlier.

    I’m hoping for a better day as well.

  2. Clucky says:

    Looks like we could have nasty weather this morning.

    Please be careful.

  3. pncpnthr says:

    Morning. Praying for all in need, all indeed!

    Today is our Mom’s 77th birthday. I’m so thankful we still have her around!

    Everyone take care & watch out for those storms!

  4. OldBopper says:

    Looks like Brandon is going to miss the worst of the weather. The weekend forecast is excellent.

  5. dhcoop says:

    Happy Birthday to our Mom!

    Just looked at the radar. Thought Jtown was going to miss it, but now it’s redeveloping.

  6. blues4you says:


  7. Molly says:

    Mornin. Coming a flood at the Rez. Radar shows some not-so-pleasant stuff headed this way.

  8. msblondie says:

    morning gang! took a picture of a cloud wall on my drive in this morning..will try to post it in a bit. the only thing my phone lighten it upfrom how dark it really was.

  9. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Heavy hearted for PM and family!

    I hope the storms are not too nasty!!

  10. Old Bopper says:

    The storms are well past Brandon. We dodged the bullet.

  11. Airwolf says:

    The rain has just reached here!

  12. Legal Eagle says:

    I’m just drinking coffee and hoping my phone doesn’t ring on the day I organize the bridge game and hoping the rain clears up long enough for us old folks to get there and get home safely.

    Coop, did you ever get a chance to check out the park in Crystal Springs?

  13. msblondie says:

    hoping to slip out here in a few minutes… Prom is tonight for M. Glad the bad weather has moved out of the area. Our neighbor,that we house watch for when out of town, is letting the girls park in his driveway tonight when they get home so they don’t mess up dresses with mud.

    everyone have a good rest afternoon and evening

  14. dhcoop says:

    Obit is now on Lakewood Memorial Park website.

    • cardinallady says:

      Thanks for sharing the link OB. I was able to sign the guest book. I appreciate how you always look for ways to help us care for one another. You are indeed special … and so is Clucky. She doesn’t want anyone to be left out in the rain if she can help it. And then there is sister Coop who is worrying over all of us. Everyone has their special niche in this household and it’s neat how we all love each other.

      I do hope this time of sorrow doesn’t keep PM away from us. I know it is easy to become a recluse after deep shades of painful sorrow. I just hope she flies to us for comfort. If anyone goes to visitation tomorrow please hug her for me.

      Marshall … thanks for bringing this family together.

  15. Clucky says:

    Mr Fab came in to tell me we need to go to Poppy’s (Coast) tomorrow. For the first time in a long time, I don’t want to go…but I have had plenty of introspection since I’ve been home to discover I’m quite a failure in the wife dept. so..going for the ride. Cost of gas negates the financial ability to eat out, or any other fund requiring events. That being said, I’ll load up on sunscreen, find some books that need to be re-read, and plant my backside on the sand. I never make sunrise service, or not in years at least. No more kids to do eggs with/ for.

    Maybe the beach is where I need to be.

  16. dhcoop says:


    Clucky, you are NOT a failure, dear. And who needs kids to do eggs? Me and lil sis will be dying this weekend. Dad will hide them and we will fight like four-year-olds to find them. And we are…NOT four years old. heh

    Watching results of AI. Pulling for Skylar. After her performance last night, I’ll be shocked and disappointed if she’s in the bottom 3. I just don’t see it happening.

  17. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone. PD always kept me busy and today was no different. Children came in this morning and it has been run, run. I want leave this place I will always need someone praying for me and watching my back.

  18. msblondie says:

    I posted some of the pics we took before M and S left for prom on fb. I had 2 pretty girls. In a few hours I will have about 6 of them here crashing afterwards.

  19. dhcoop says:

    Porch lights are on. They always are

  20. Mrs. H says:

    Our group trip was canceled, but since we already had the reservation, we headed to Natchez yesterday about 10. It was a little drizzly, but not too bad. By noon, it had stopped and by 1:30 or 2 the sun came out. Natchez was beautiful. We watched the sun set over the river. This morning was a bit overcast in Natchez, but by the time we got to Emerald Mound, the clouds were breaking up. By the time we got the Windsor Ruins, the day was picture perfect. Mr. H is a pro at dodging the weather! He gets all gold stars for this trip.

  21. Old Bopper says:

    MrsH, glad y’all had a good trip. This weekend is going to be great for cycling. May ride with my sis and bil or maybe a group I met at the motorcycle show. Then again, I may just take off and find some new roads to explore. I ordered a new motorcycle jacket the other day and it is supposed to come in tomorrow. It’s just like the one I have except it is high vis yellow instead of red. I do like to be seen.

  22. Clucky says:

    OB, please be careful. You have a very important job next weekend (and I don’t mean paying the preacher!) She is absolutely beautiful.

    MF is leaving early in the morning and coming back tomorrow night or (I bet) Sat evening. Poppy is putting his shingle out once again; Tim is helping him get office set up and arranged. Poppy already has patients booked for next week. I forget he’s Dr Poppy! (Psychologist) We wouldn’t be good company this weekend anyway. we agree that shrinks are like nurses-we can’t fix our own problems but love to help others with theirs.

    I’m laying low this weekend. The kids are going to their dad’s family Easter dinner on Saturday, so I hope to be at the service Saturday for PD. and maybe visit with PM after. I wish I lived closer to y’all…all of ya.

    Coop, the big Easter egg hunt is always at my kids’ great-grandmothers home. Mama did our Easter dinner except I always cooked the ham. After the Thanksgiving dinner fiasco, I think I’ll wait until I am all better to even think of trying it again. When Miss Thang asks where her basket is, I’m going to tell her to go smile in the mirror. Braces and bifocals wreaked havoc on our budget.

  23. Clucky says:

    Why do I even TRY to sleep when it’s a full

  24. parrotmom says:

    Good Friday Morning. I do believe it is Good Friday–Praise God that he came and he Rose from the Dead.

    I have been up since 5 am. I have been listening to some old contemporary christian music and some new that I had downloaded trying to fill my mind with these tunes to know “I’m not Home Yet–Where I Belong” but PD is. To be “Courageous”, “It’s just another Birthday”, I have ” We Raise our White Flag, we surrender all to you!” and one of my oldies by Kathy Tricolli “Stubborn Long” as well as many others.

    Prayers to all of you and CornPop you have found your strenth that God has graced you with as he has done for me.

    PD and I last year talked about musice for our funerals and yes I love the old standby hymms that I learned so many years ago. I think I could just have all my favorites played at my funeral and not even have a preacher, but then again I don’t think everyone would stay that long for them all to play.

    Cardinal Lady I meant to tell you I so loved the prayer and thoughts you posted Wednesday. You always no how to make those words sound so wonderful. I acturally shared with my stepson. I hope he found peace and comfort in them as I did. Everyone of you have been so good to me even before PD became sick again. You all have said things that gave me some more hope for that day and without all the prayers I would not have had t

  25. dhcoop says:


    PM, you’ve been in my mind and heart. I’ll see you this afternoon.

  26. Barb says:

    PM, I so wish I could be there for you, but it just is not possible. There just isn’t any wiggle room when you work a 10 hour shift. No coverage in the department is not good. Just know you are very much on my mind and in my prayers,

  27. msblondie says:

    morning gang! PM we are all here for you and love you.

    Happy Good Friday to you all. I need to find some caffine to get me moving.. had about 4 hours sleep waiting on the girls to get in last night. That was a little after 1.. time they settled down and Moo settled back down it think it was 2.

    Gotta share something.. this morning go to leave I notice a bright green egg on my mailbox.. look up and down the street and see eggs on lots of mailboxes.. a local church was egging the city. It was an invite to their Easter services. Thought it was a cool idea.

  28. dwb810 says:

    PM, I wish I could be there physically for you but that can not happen. Know that I will be with you and holding your cyber-hand. Love and strength will surround you as you walk this unknown path. Love you.

  29. Airwolf says:

    PM our thoughts and prayers are with you! I’m sorry I can’t be there but I don’t want to get too far from Daddy in his current state.

  30. Legal Eagle says:

    Good morning. I’m in for today as BE has a couple of VA appointments.

    I just found out that one of my high school classmates has had an apparent heart attack and was transferred from Forrest General to Wesley ICCU. He has MS and has been in bad health for a while, and this is not good news at all. When Westland Plaza opened in the late 50’s, Kroger gave away a 1958 Chevrolet Impala convertible and this class member is the person who won it – and he wasn’t even old enough to have his driver’s license at the time.

  31. cardinallady says:

    Morning! Just got through taking pics of kiddies easter egg hunting at our local park. It was fun. At 11:30 I get to eat lunch on the company. a GOOD lunch hosted by the Pontotoc Woman’s club. I called CardinalSon and told him to come join us, so I will get to sneak in a few more moments of time with him today. He came to the park with me and trotted around after me with the camera bag. He is just darling.

    PM … Thanks for your kind words … God knows … He cares for you … Cast your cares on Him. I love you.

  32. Clucky says:

    Sleep never came, so I started painting the blue part of her room. The color is wonderful. I wish we had done the whole room in that color,but alas, 2 walls are bulge youreyesout GEEEN. We may sponge some blue over the green to calm it down. We were going to paint the trim pink, but praise be, she loves the crisp clean white trim. Whew. The blue still needs another coat, but I spent some time outside, came in and washed up, into clean jammies, now just waiting for my meds to whisk me off to the land of Nod.
    Much love, PM. See you soon.

  33. dwb810 says:

    The author of this song by Truth is questionable but the words are not. I always find a great deal of comfort in this song.

    If You Could See Me Now
    Record by Truth
    By Don Moen or Kim Noblitt

    Our prayers have been answered
    I finally arrived
    The healing that had been delayed
    Is now realized
    No one’s in a hurry
    There’s no schedule to keep
    We’re all enjoying Jesus
    Just sitting at His feet

    If you could see me now
    I’m walking streets of gold
    If you could see me now
    I’m standing tall and whole
    If you could see me now
    You’d know I’ve seen His face

    If you could see me now
    You’d know the pain’s erased
    You wouldn’t want me
    to ever leave this place
    If only you could see me now

    My light and temporary trials
    Have worked out for my good
    To know it brought Him glory
    When I misunderstood
    Though we’ve had our sorrows
    They can never compare
    To what Jesus has in store for us
    No language can share

  34. Old Bopper says:

    Took our white cat to the Dr. this morning. He’s been throwing up and still has a runny nose. The Dr. found a heart murmur and we’re having him xrayed in a couple of weeks when the folks are down here from Miss. State. Doc gave him two shots this morning and one of those will be repeated once a week for the next two weeks. Also got some liquid med to give him. Fortunately, it’s tuna flavored.

    PM, I hope to see you this afternoon.

    Smiles and hugs to all!

  35. cardinallady says:

    OB and Clucky, please give PM a hug for me.

  36. msblondie says:

    all have a good evening.

  37. parrotmom says:

    Thank you all for the well wishes and the hugs, prayers, and to those of you that were able to make it and to give hugs from those that could not. I am so truely blessed to have so many friends who are praying for me and my family. I so enjoyed talking about PD this afternoon as I always have.

    Love and hugs to all. AW I hope your dad keeps hanging in there and you do the same.

  38. OldBopper says:

    Had a brief visit with PM this afternoon. Gave her a hug from me and another from Cardinal Lady. She seemed to be doing pretty good. I hope she can get some sleep this evening.

  39. dhcoop says:


    Just now getting in and settled. Ate a few pieces of my new favorite food…chicken wings from the local convenience store. I am hooked on those things!

    I also went by to see PM earlier. I gave her a few extra hugs. We’ll consider those to be from the others that would like to have been there, but couldn’t.

    Going to head north in the morning for the big Easter egg dying and birthday gathering for Mom. I’m looking forward to chasing lil sis around the yard and getting more eggs than her. :P

  40. Legal Eagle says:

    We got caught up in traffic on I-20 behind an accident that happened around Gallatin Street, so it was 6:00 before we got to the funeral home. We just missed you, Coop and Old Bopper. And when we left there, there was a pile-up on Clinton Boulevard and we had to detour around some side streets to come back out on Clinton Boulevard a little further down.

  41. dhcoop says:

    Sorry I missed seeing you, Leagle. Sorrier that you had all the traffic problems!

  42. dhcoop says:

    I’m looking forward to heading north in the morning. I’ll get to see my great niece, Poppy, experiencing Easter egg hunting for the first time in her short life. The reality is that she will have absolutely NO idea what’s happening, nor any memory of it. But, with today’s technology, we’ll be able to show her.

    I’ll check in as I can over the weekend.

    Love and hugs to all. Special prayers to PM.

    Porch light is on.

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