Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: 4/27/12

Goal weight: 195 lbs.

I think I proved one of Newton’s Laws today. Not sure which one really. But I did prove one thing: I’m clumsy.  Good Lord, I am a klutz.  About 1.5 miles into my three-mile run this morning, I face-planted.  Tripped.  All six-foot two inches, 205 lbs. of me.  It wasn’t pretty. I went down hard.

How hard? My phone landed five-feet in front of me (thank you OtterBox for protecting my investment).  That’s how hard.

My foot hit a bad spot in the pavement (yes, I know you are shocked there is bad pavement in Yazoo Clay land) and I flew like Superman on a bender.  I remember thinking, “Aw crap.”  And then I hit.

Asphalt and skin do a great job slowing you down, btw.  Within seconds I was laying in the middle of the dark road, at 5:15 in the morning in a bloody heap. I looked around (just to make sure I wasn’t going to end up on YouTube) and tried to find my phone.  Then I did a systems check to make sure nothing was broken (on the phone and on me.).  Nothing was. I was just sore and bloody. So I did the only thing I could do: I got back up, dusted myself off and kept running.

There’s a life lesson there somewhere.

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4 Responses to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: 4/27/12

  1. Pingback: Daily Ramsey Blog: 4/27/12 | Marshall Ramsey

  2. parrotmom says:

    So sorry for your fall this morning. At least not like Humpty Dumpty who’s all the kings horses or the kings men could put him back together again ;)
    Also glad no cars speeding down the road at that time of the mirning too!

  3. Jenny says:

    Are you sure you weren’t channeling me? I feel your pain, dude. Totally.

  4. Chandler ?=^) says:

    Glad to hear the rest of the story. Thank you for sharing this part of your life with us. I subscribed so I could see the cartoon/images you make. Originally, I just skipped over the Fit-To entries, but now I am reading them and cheering you on (in my head, at least). I am becoming inspired to pick up where I left off in my weight control struggles.

    Keep up the good work.

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