Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: The more you ask from life

I love it when I tell someone, “I run five miles so I can have more energy.” You can just see the “Um, you wear yourself out so you can feel energetic?  Are you NUTS?” look on their faces.  But it’s the honest truth.  I run so I can work harder. I work harder so I can have more opportunities.

Because the more you ask from your life, the more life gives you.

I know, I know. You’re probably thinking, “OK, Marshall, you’ve lost it.”   But it is true.  For example: This time last year, I was struggling to maintain my schedule. I was consuming up to six caffeinated soft drinks a day and was sedentary.  And I was exhausted.  Now, I exercise and consume no soft drinks and no caffeine. And I’m only mildly exhausted.  Just kidding — I’m able to do twice as much as I could before.

How? By going out and expending energy, I have been given more energy.

I think about my favorite parable, the Parable of the Talents.  You know, the one where the master gives the three servants “talents” (currency back then) to watch over when he is gone.  One servant is given ten talents, uses them wisely and is rewarded with ten more.  The next servant is given five, uses them wisely and is rewarded with five more. But the last servant is afraid and buries the talents he is given. The master is outraged.

Notice how the servants who used their talents were given MORE talents?

I’ve been the servant who buried his talent. I didn’t exercise. I didn’t draw. I chose not to use the gifts I had been given. But when I chose to be one of the other servants, great things began to happen in my life.

You’ve been given the talent of exercise. Use it and you will be rewarded with more energy. You’ve been given the talent of life, too. Use it to it’s fullest, too.  Make your effort be your thank-you note. Give your all.

Because the more you ask from your life, the more life gives you.

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One Response to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: The more you ask from life

  1. bpman says:

    I have to agree MR. After an absolutely amazing family vacation this summer (the kids now have those memories for life), for some reason or another by the end of the summer I’d fallen into an unbelievably dark depression. I couldn’t do anything, but sleep, eat tons of nothing good for me, depend on the caffeine drinks to keep me awake long enough to half do my job, procrastinate another few months on writing out the events I don’t really care to look back on from a lifetime ago, & then it happened. Just under 2 weeks ago I got off the couch & went to work. Literally, I wake on time, I actually go to work (for my job) & go to work on an intense fitness workout program. I’m 12 pounds lighter, have motivation, & seem to have placed the darkness of my depression in its place, for now. (without any meds). Simply eating ONLY healthy items, (except for my sugarless, one cup of coffee 1st thing in the morning), but my point is- you are so right- As agonizing as the physical aspect of this lifestyle change has been, the energy I’ve gained is tremendous!

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