Thursday Free-For-All

I have a couple of speeches today. And will be hopefully selling some books.  How will your day be?

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20 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. Mrs. H says:

    Good morning, friends and relations.

    MR, I still have the Hot Laser Guy super hero drawing you were working on at one time. Even if it’s never published, I hope you did an at-home version for him. I have a story I wrote and illustrated for the eldest when Em was born. I’ve done variations (one for M3 when M4 was born) for other older siblings. I give the family 2: one for the mom to keep safe and 1 for the big brother or sister to do with whatever they please.

    I’ve discovered that having to cover ChurchSecretary duties is not nearly as much fun as being Children’s Large Group Leader. I did, however, find time yesterday to build a wall using cardboard boxes, cover it with “COOPERATION” graffiti, then take it down to be reassembled (puzzle style) on Sunday.

    Joy is where you make it.

  2. blues4you says:

    wanders in/good morning. It’s frosty down here this morning//gets coffee/goes to work

    y’all be careful out there.

  3. parrotmom says:

    Morning folks. Blues I feel as if I am stumbling in this morning for a change. I just wished I could curl back up in the bed. These cold, frosty mornings are not so much fun these days. I am putting on my smile and getting ready to tackle my day.

    Hope you all have a good one.

    • cardinallady says:

      I feel your pain parrotmom. And sometimes it’s HARD to count our blessings when life has dealt us a hard blow. How I pray that God will swoop you up in His loving arms and tuck you under HIS wings. Love you.

  4. dhcoop says:


    Amen to that, MrsH!

    I’m planning on having a great day! Hope everyone else does, as well.


  5. cardinallady says:

    Morning! Red bird flitting in! I saw a beautiful red cardinal on my window this morning pecking out the last bit of seed from the bird feeder. Jon and I bought some more food last night for them. and today I have to get my snake a supply of frozen mice.
    He was cranky Monday because I missed his feeding date when I brought the mouse to him. He struck at me and he has never done that before. He felt better after his scrumptous warmed up mouse.

    Please pray for me! I have the awesome job of sharing about Operation Christmas Child to a room full of newspaper people at lunch today. *sigggh* I’m both excited and nervous!

    • parrotmom says:

      Praying for you as you prepare to speak. You will be awesome!!

      Frozen mice, bless you for loving God’s creatures. I do, but I have my limit at spiders and snakes.

      I watched a cardinal this past weekend as he was after one of the few last persimmons left on the tree. Then his wife showed up and they danced around from branch to branch so not sure which one finally had the fruit?

      • Legal Eagle says:

        I have a friend who is a retired surgical nurse and, believe it or not, I had to remove a lizard from her bathroom to the great outdoors a couple of weeks ago.

  6. Legal Eagle says:

    Don’t pay the ranson…BE woke up Tuesday morning sick as a dog so I ran to Wal-Mart and picked up Tylenol and vitamin C tablets. He said that afternoon that the only thing he wanted to eat was a ribeye poboy from Beatty Street Grocery. So I ran down there, got caught by the danged old train and then made it to BS. In all these years, after eating ribeye poboys from Beatty Street for years, I had never been inside and it was just delightful. I met Skylar Lane’s mother abd she said they had just found out Monday that Skylar is not being offered a singing contract. I told her we were all behind her and really proud of her and that I felt that she would get the right song or be seen by the right person and get a contract.

    Yesterday morning, when I woke up I couldn’t even swallow. I had to get BE to call the Brandon senior center to tell them I would’t be there and we are having our monthly luncheon in Pearl today and the game I’m responsible for right afterwards, and I’m not there either.

    Happy Birthday, Hot Lazer Guy! I’m sorry I missed saying it yesterday.

    We are going to have to feel better to even take a bath and go to the doctor. Maybe tomorrow…

  7. parrotmom says:

    Had a Butterfinger with my Diet Dr Pepper, dang that candy bar was good.

  8. parrotmom says:

    Has gotten cloudy out this afternoon. Everyone safe travels to home.

  9. msblondie says:

    evening. busy day today. i like that..

    hope all have a good evening.

  10. Airwolf says:

    Evening folks! I’ve been busy! Daddy has shingles to add to his misery. They have isolated him. He says he doesn’t hurt or itch.

    Headed to Meridian in the morning. Early Christmas present for Rambette. Four Tops are at the Riley Center tomorrow night! They are her favorite, only one original member left.

  11. Old Bopper says:

    Evening. We made it back from the coast this afternoon. Ate our fair share of seafood while there. Will do a report in the morning and call it finished for the month.

    AW, hope you and Rambette have fun. Sorry to hear the news on your Dad. Hope he comes through quickly.

  12. Clucky says:

    Shingles aren’t contagious. Sheesh.

    No test results yet. After I pitched my hissy fit last night, I called WM this afternoon, it was ready. I hate having to get ugly, but dang. That was just flat out incompetence.

    I’m whooped. Will chat tomorrow. Love y’all. Stay warm.

  13. dhcoop says:


    Hate to hear about the shingles! Glad he’s not in pain.

    Just got off the phone with Baby Girl. Can’t go in to specifics, but all is well on the home front. I’m so glad. My Baby needs a break.

    It’s been a long, but otherwise good day for me. Love and hugs to all!

    Oh, and the porch light is on. :)

  14. pncpnthr says:

    Morning. Hubby is in the hospital in Grenada, was supposed to be out early this am but now they want to do more tests. He is not a happy camper right now.

  15. parrotmom says:

    Morning, this lovely Friday. PNC hope your hubby is ok, keep us updated, praying all checks out ok.

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