Tuesday Morning Free-For-All

Good morning! Have a great foggy day today!

Tree overlooking the Mississippi Fairgrounds.

Tree overlooking the Mississippi Fairgrounds.

The State Capitol.

The State Capitol.

The Lamar Life Building

The Lamar Life Building



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14 Responses to Tuesday Morning Free-For-All

  1. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’! Busy day at the Capitol today. It’s one of the deadline days and a lot of bills will be dead by this evening. Just dead, not dead, dead, dead. They can still morph into another bill and bite your butt.

    PQ is up and at it this morning. Washing bed linens to get the cooties out.

    Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

  2. blues4you says:


    Good morning.
    Extreme fog getting to work this morning in east TX.
    Glad to hear PQ is better. Y’all be careful out there.

  3. msblondie says:

    morning gang!! hope all have a great day!

  4. parrotmom says:

    Beautiful pictures of places downtown

    Morning everyone, OB glad OQ is feeling better, but she doesn’t need to over do. Relapse is no fun.

    Hey Blues, how’s the spin? I hope the dizziness is better or gone.

    Everyone have a great day whether you feel like it or not.

  5. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Headed out to get Mom. I visited with Daddy yesterday! He was happy to see me. It had been 9 days since he had seen any family! Incidentally the longest he and Mom had ever been apart.

    I hope all the sick folks are on the mend!

    Later folks!

  6. Mrs. H says:

    Em is taking a mythology class this semester. It’s one of the few classes that she hasn’t taken already. She has passed every math and science class that GCHS has to offer. Currently they are covering Norse mythology and had to do a creative project on the subject. Yes, she made sugar cookies in the shapes of Thor’s hammer, cloud & lightning bolt, Odin’s (missing) eye, and snowflakes (representing the Frost Giants). I believe she is quite popular on these days.

  7. parrotmom says:

    Evening folks.

  8. dhcoop says:


    I’m proud to announce that my Bug got accepted to Honors College at Mississippi State! I’m a proud Grandy!

    All is well in my little corner of the world. Just been real busy. Hope all is well with all of you.

  9. OldBopper says:

    While my A/C and Heat repairman was here this morning, our conversation drifted to military duty. He said he served in the Navy aboard a cruiser in Viet Nam. I told him I served on a hospital ship over there. One thing led to another and we found we served in the same waters and, at times, with the same armada. He said one of the most memorable sights he saw was a battleship firing a salvo with their 16 inch guns. I told him I also saw a battleship fire a salvo. We started comparing notes and found we were both aboard ships involved in an amphibious landing near North Viet Nam and we both saw the same salvo. It’s a small world sometimes.

  10. Clucky says:

    That’s just cool, OB.

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