Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 16

SFTL17911An open letter to the treadmill:

Dear Treadmill.

You may not remember me, but I’m the fat guy you pushed around last year. Ah, you’re starting to remember now, right? No? Let me jog your memory a bit:

1. I’m the guy who fell off the back of you.

2. I’m the guy who had to hold on to your rail because I couldn’t keep up with your speed.

3. You used to taunt me as my heart rate would race out of control.

4. I’d pray for the ten minutes to be over.

5. I’d curse when Clark or Paul would walk over and make you go faster.

6. I couldn’t even handle it when you’d throw 5.5 mph at me.

I see you’re chuckling. You remember me now.

Well, remember this: I kicked your butt today.  Hard.

Yup. You started me out at 6 mph and then threw intervals at me of 9 mph.  For fun, I pushed it to 9.5 mph just to see if you were paying attention. And on the third (and last one), you thought you could throw me off the back again. I pushed you to 10.2 mph.

I. Own. You.

Go pick on someone else. I’m busy getting to the next level.


The former fat kid you used to bully.

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One Response to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 16

  1. Susan says:

    WOW… way to go Marshall. You kicked that treadmills a$$.
    I am the fat girl on the treadmill this year that it is trying to kick off…LOL

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