Friday Free-For-All

Good morning!  Off the Greenwood for a noon speech today. And some other great projects.  So I’ve been at work nice and early today.


My very first cartoon ever published in The Clarion-Ledger. I've never been more proud to see a cartoon in a paper than I was this one. I felt like the C-L was MY paper.

My very first cartoon ever published in The Clarion-Ledger. I’ve never been more proud to see a cartoon in a paper than I was this one. I felt like the C-L was MY paper.

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15 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. Mrs. H says:

    I love the little model man supervising the creative process.
    I’ve got to get ready for the D’Now girls coming tonight. Going to buy food!

  2. msblondie says:

    HAPPY FRIDAY! everyone have a great day.

  3. parrotmom says:

    Morning to you all and safe travels to you Marshall.

    Love the post of your first carton in the CL. U must have been very nervous with all that spilled ink.

  4. Jessica says:

    I used to feel like the CL was MY paper too because so many of the writers — and especially the editorial cartoonist — felt almost like family. Not that way anymore unfortunately.

  5. cardinallady says:

    Morning. flying through. Love the cartoon of you too Marshall!

  6. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Wet and breezy out.

    My friend made it through the night ok although he’s in much pain. No brain swelling and tiny bleed. He’s being moved from ICU to a regular room this morning!

    Let’s hope for a Good Friday with no drama!

  7. blues4you says:

    stumbles in/howdy folks/gets coffe/looks around/nice work,Boss. you were off to a good start/freshens up coffee/goes back to work

  8. OldBopper says:

    Mawmn uh, Afternoon folks. PQ is healed and human again. Fixed me a great lunch with cornbread, butter beans with okra, squash, and green beans. We had a little of a thick pork chop left so we sliced that vertically in thin strips and shared it. Then for dessert I had a third piece of cornbread with pot likker from the butter beans. We both felt like all we were missing was a good red acidic tomato.

    AW glad to know your friend is doing better. Hoping for a full recovery.

  9. parrotmom says:

    OB you may need to have extra cooked next time. Long time since I had some home cooked vegetables. Yummy!!

    I remember growing up my mothers youngest brother was going to stay with us awhile. After several nights of homegrown veggies and cornbread he asked why we didn’t have any meat in the table. The answer was there is—salt meat in the peas or butter beans.

  10. cardinallady says:

    Fltuttering in. I just bought CardinalSon’s valentine’s present. Three fishing lures. He wrapped mine up before he left two weeks ago and left it under the *ahem* Christmas Tree. (whispers) yes it’s still up. I worked on the kitchen this week, going to work on the living room next week. Spring cleaning. the jonquils are blooming so it’s spring. Right?

  11. msblondie says:

    afternoon gang.. almost time to head out the door.

    everyone have a good evening and a great weekend.

    some fresh veggies does sound good…

  12. Old Bopper says:

    Happy Saturday! Headed out for a ride to Winona and back with some buddies. Later dudes.

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