Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 19

PLSFit4Change159For over a month now, I’ve been going into Jackson State University’s Walter Payton Center and working out with Paul Lacoste’s Fit4Change. I’ve tried to chronicle some of the high points and low points.  I’ve battled through injury, fatigue, attitude and more fatigue.  Now, 19 days later (we missed a day due to snow), I am seeing results. Usually about a month in, you start to feel better. Your clothes are looser. And your friends and family start noticing a change.  It’s when the fun truly begins.

In my case, my upper body is now more developed. My weight has stayed pretty much the same (I’m down six pounds), but it has shifted around. Muscle has replaced fat. I’m now wearing the same size pants I wore in high school (34 waist — down from a 41 last year.)

All the hard work is starting to pay off.

And I know it will pay off in other areas. The costs of obesity are staggering — to the nation, to the state and to us personally.  We don’t need the government telling us what to eat and what not to eat.  But we do need to take some personal responsibility. I had drawn numerous cartoons about the epidemic.  I finally decided to put my money where my pen was.

That’s why I was running 40-yard sprints this morning before 6 a.m.  That’s why I was pushing a towel yesterday. I’m not just doing it for me.  I’m doing it for my boys. Not only am I setting an example for them. I’m also increasing the chances that they will have their old man around long enough to get to know him.

Sure it’s hard work. But the benefits are priceless.

That’s why I went from fit to fat to fit.

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