
For every five-star blue chip athlete, there was an athlete like Mike. Too slow, too small, too dumb, too whatever some scout or coach guessed incorrectly about him.  You can measure speed by the 40-yard dash. You can measure strength by the bench press.  But you can’t measure will to win any other way but by long-term results. Mike had fulfilled his dream of playing Junior College Football and even had gotten on the field. He had walked on at a major university and played a few games.  His heart allowed him to do things that were impossible for average people.  Now at 40, Mike was once again being told he wasn’t good enough.

Oh, it wasn’t personal.  It was business.  The economy had soured and his corporation decided that the quickest way back to financial health was to lay people off. RIF (Reduction In Force) was the technical name for it — a punch to the gut was more how it felt. RIF seemed so impersonal. It made it seem neater. Easier for the people who had to do the actual cutting. Mike had gotten the news on a Tuesday like so many other people in his office.  They were called into a room and handed envelopes.  He watched as grown men openly wept and women sat there stunned. Mike looked around the room and  tried to soak in the memories of what had been up until that point, a VERY successful career.

But success wasn’t good enough during the Great Recession. He had been thrown away like a piece of used paper. But for all the pain and confusion he felt, somewhere deep inside him, the very heart that drove Mike to be a good athlete kicked in again.  He packed his box with a determined look on his face. He wasn’t going to get mad. He wasn’t going to get even. He was going to get ahead. He would win.

He drove home and stopped by his church on the way home. An unemployed man needs a team on his side and Mike went straight to the top for help.  He walked in the sanctuary, startled the janitor and immediately got on his knees and asked for help.

Mike looked up at the cross at the end of the room and realized that his life had now changed.  No longer were there one and a half hour lunches or coffee breaks. He had a family to take care of. He had to get busy.

Millions of Americans had faced what he was now facing. There was no sense of feeling sorry for himself. He had been tossed off the boat and now had to learn to swim. But he had an edge. He had heart.  And his determination would carry him through this storm.

Change can be scary. But Mike knew that it also could be a blessing.  He drove home with his head held high realizing that a straight backbone and mental toughness would make him win.  He would succeed. He knew it. He didn’t care WHO was against him.

And succeed his did.  Over the next few months Mike worked three jobs. He worked hard to provide for his family but he also engaged them.  What would be a hell for some folks turned out to be a blessing for Mike. It made him smarter. And it eventually made him richer.

Mike became an entrepreneur.  He took a class at a local community college and learned basic business principles.  When he was sitting still, he was reading.  He quit a job and spent the time starting his own company.  Everyone didn’t believe in him.  Just like the coaches and the scouts hadn’t 20 years ago.

Mike took time out of his day and became fit.  Blood pressure medicine and his diabetes faded away.  His training allowed him to become more disciplined.  He made sure he spent time with his family and went out of his way to show his wife how much he appreciated her and the sacrifices she was making.  In time, Mike was making more money with his business than he ever made at his old company.

One day Mike was at a Chamber event and he ran into the boss who had laid him off. He walked up to him and grabbed his hand, excitedly shaking it.  The man pulled away, fearing the his former employer would take a swing at him.

“You think I’m mad? ” Mike laughed. “Heavens no. What you did was the best thing for me. You did me a favor. God used you to make my life better.  I know what you did was just business. Bad business, mind you. You hurt your company by getting rid of several hardworking employees. But let me repeat, you did me a favor. So let me just tell you, thank you.”

And with that, Mike walked away from the stunned man.

Mike had chosen to focus on “what is” instead of “what was.” And he had gotten to “what can be” much faster because of it.

You can measure a man’s speed. You can measure his strength. But you can’t measure a man’s will to win. But if you could, Mike’s heart was the biggest in town.

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CARTOON: The plane! The plane!

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Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 15

Goal weight:  195

Current weight: 225.2

My health journey defined in eight words:

1. Exhaustion — extreme tiredness; fatigue.

2. Motivation Desire to do; interest or drive.

3. Goal — The purpose toward which an endeavor is directed; an objective.

4. Work — Physical or mental effort or activity directed toward the production or accomplishment of something.

5. Pain  — An unpleasant sensation occurring in varying degrees of severity as a consequence of injury, disease, or emotional disorder.

6. DeterminationFirmness of purpose; resolve.

7. Change To give a completely different form or appearance to; transform.

8. Success The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted.

Today wasn’t my best day. I hurt and was tired. But I was out there fighting. Tomorrow I’ll take it to the next level.  I’m headed to number eight.

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Thursday Free-For-All

Good morning!

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CARTOON: The bounty

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CARTOON: Groundhog Day

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Signing Day

He sat in his recliner watching his wife sleep on the couch.  Her mouth was wide open and her snoring rattled the blinds.  He even thought he saw drool.  If he had his phone, he would have taken a picture. “Nah,” he thought.  Lord knows she could find a plethora of ways to embarrass him.   They were nestled in the den watching the big game —  It was the third quarter and his team was behind by three points. Out of nervousness, he began to eat yet another chicken wing.

But his eyes couldn’t keep from going back to his wife. They were in the third quarter of their marriage, too. (It was definitely in the second half.)  The kids were now grown-up enough to be out of the house with friends during the big game.  So it was just them in the dark room in the empty house. The TV’s flickering picture illuminated her pale skin with a blue light, shaving years off her face.

They were teammates.  And like a team, they had gone through good and bad together.  There were the moments it seemed like their marriage was against their own goal line.  But he knew that they were like the defense that would bend but not break.  Back them up against the goal line and they’d come together and fight. They had had several goal-line stands. Cancer. Trust. Anger. Careers. Trouble with their kids.

For better or worse.

The TV erupted in joy. His team scored a touchdown — and he had the urge to jump up and yell. But he looked over at his snoring wife and decided he’d just enjoy the moment to himself.  A younger version of him would have woken her up just to be a jerk. The younger version of himself wasn’t a very good team player.

He thought about the day when he had popped the question.  He called it Signing Day because that’s what it was like –She was his five-star recruit. He had done his homework: She was nothing short of amazing.  So he knew their relationship had potential.  But as his coach used to say, “Potential is a little French word that means that you’re not worth a dam’ yet.”  A promising recruit must work hard to become a successful athlete.  The same went for their marriage.  They really had to work at it. They didn’t want to be like so many recruits that just wash out.  So many of their friends’ marriages had ended in failure.  Not them. They had struggled together. And now they were about to enter the fourth quarter.

He looked again over at her.  He didn’t know if others saw in her what he did, but he really didn’t care.  What was on the outside didn’t matter. Sure, she was beautiful, but her heart was stunning. She had proved over and over that she had the will to win — she was tough.  And like a blindside offensive lineman, she always had his back.

Her own snore woke her up, causing the dog to jump off the couch and flee.  She looked around stunned and said, “Did I miss much?”

He looked at her with a smile, “Nope. We’re winning — the trophy is as good as ours.”

She smiled sleepily and started to fade back off to sleep.  A light snore began to fill the room.

He looked at his wife’s beautiful face and was so thankful he had made the right choice on that Signing Day so many years ago.

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Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 14

Goal Weight: 195

After my workout and as I was walking out of the Walter Peyton Center, I ran into Paul LaCoste.  I unbuckled my belt and pulled the waist of my size-40 pants out several inches.  “See what you’re doing to me?” I said with a smile.  And then my ankles fell off and I had to walk out on my hands.

Just kidding on the last part. But I’m deadly serious about the first. And although I gave Paul credit (he has provided the structure for me to see success), at the end of the day what results I see comes down to one person: Me. My choices. My effort. My personal responsibility.

I chose to quit drinking sodas. I chose to eat healthier. I chose to get up at the crack of the crack of dawn to workout.  I chose to change my life.  No one else was going to make that choice. Not my kids. Not my wife. Not my parents. Not my dog. No one.  Just me.

Today we ran. A lot.  We ran in the gym. We ran drills. We ran on the treadmill. We did punches and kicks. We moved, moved and moved some more. I was winded but I hung with my group. (they inspire me to get better.).

And now I’m starting to see the benefits.  More energy. More enjoyable workouts.  Being able to go running (thus spend more time) with my sons on the weekend (we’re doing a 5K together this Saturday).  I’m in a better mood (got to love those endorphins.)  I can almost see what little chin I had again.

I chose to change my life.  My friend Patrick House (Biggest Loser: Season 10) made a similar choice. When I saw how his life changed for the better, I realized it was time for me to be responsible for the man in the mirror.

It’s all about the choices we make.  Now to reattach my ankles.

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Wednesday Free-For-All

A rainy day in the Southland. What’s up with you?

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CARTOON: Repairs

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