Uncle Bill

My sons looked warily at my Uncle Bill.  Sitting in his chair, thin and on oxygen, he must have been intimating to them.  Add to it that he is difficult to understand when he speaks  — well, I guess they just didn’t know what to think of him.

I wish they had met him when I was young.

Uncle Bill is a cool uncle. He’s the one who would tell you your first dirty joke. He has a twinkle in his eye and fears nothing.  And he loves my Aunt Shug (my dad’s sister, Lynn).  In my book, that’s all that matters.

Time stole his strength from him.  A few years before he became immobile, he ran a car wash that he owned. He was frail, hunched, shuffled when he walked and apparently an easy target for two criminals who thought they could rob him.

They thought wrong.

When  they came at him, he stabbed one of them in the chest with a screwdriver. The second one charged him and he promptly ran a power drill into his face.  As both men lay on the ground screaming in pain, Bill shuffled over their faces and promptly locked them in the closet until the police came.

The police ran their ID’s and found out that men were wanted criminals from Florida who had been responsible for several crimes in the area.  They were returned to prison where one of them died. The second is in for life.

My sons hung on every word of my Aunt’s story.  As we left that night, they hugged my Uncle in his chair.  At that moment, I realized they saw the man who I had come to love when I was a child.  They will always know how cool their Uncle Bill truly is.  And they learned to judge a man not by his appearance but by the courage in his heart.

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The Intruder

He had run from trouble his whole life. That night trouble came to him. And the groggy man was the only thing standing between it and his sleeping family.

The tinkle of breaking glass had awakened him.  He sleepily tip-toed into the dark hallway to find out what caused this heart-stopping sound. The house was inky black and even the dog was sound asleep.  Not many people were awake at three a.m. except for burglars, murderers and rapists. Unfortunately he was being visited by all three in one evil man.

His heart raced. The man had run his whole life. He had never fought and never stood up for himself.  Some called him a chicken. He just wanted to get through life with as little conflict as possible.  No, he wasn’t yellow. Really. He liked to think that he was practical. Practical. Practical wasn’t a choice at the moment.

The house was silent except for his breathing.  He stood behind the doorframe, out of view.  Crashing noises came out of the living room. The intruder was ransacking the house.

Footsteps came closer.  Closer. Closer. Closer.  The man was coming for his family. His wife. His children.  His life.

The dog barked….

The intruder never knew what hit him.  Forty years of running, fear and pent up anger propelled the letter opener deep into the criminal’s depraved heart.


The criminal dropped instantly to the ground, gasping desperately for air.

As the ambulance left, the policeman told him how lucky he was. The intruder was wanted in three states and was suspected of four murders and five rapes.  The man looked at the blood on his hands as he held his wife and kids. Tears began to flow down his face.

For the first time in his life he had fought back. For the first time in his life, he had something worth fighting for. Sometimes evil had to be stopped at all costs.  And this dark night was one of those times.

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Yesterday, I had the joy of having Dave Ramsey on my radio show.  Most of you know that he’s my first cousin.  I’m eight years younger than he is — so when we were growing up, I was the little brat everyone tried to ditch. I probably still am, come to think of it.

Dave signed his new book EntreLeadership at Lifeway Christian Bookstore.  A huge crowd came out to see him and get his book. I hung around and signed some the children’s’ book I illustrated for him.  It was a fun night.

Dave is successful. And I’m very proud of him.  Not just for all the stuff that you see out there. Not just for the radio show, the books, the TV and the speaking.  No, because he and his wonderful wife Sharon have raised three amazing kids. I’m in the raising three kid business as well, so I admire what they’ve done.  They are truly successful.

My wife brought our three boys by to say hello to him before he flew on to San Antonio, TX.  My four-year-old, who decided to be a bull in a bookstore, coughed, yelled and snorted his way around the room.  My wife had to chase him the rest of the evening.

As we walked out of the store, I carried him out to the car. I nuzzled my nose in his neck and kissed at his face.  He squirmed and then belly-laughed to the top of his lungs.  You could hear him to Kosciusko.

At that moment, I also felt truly successful.

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Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! How are doing today?

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Tuesday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up?  (Me barely.)

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Tearing down to rebuild

The University of Tennessee’s student center was old when I went to school there. And I’m old.  Soon, it will be torn down and replaced with a new one that is bigger and better.

I love the old UT student center.  It’s comfortable. It’s tradition. Part of me hates to see it go. But I know it’s time.  Time to replace the old with new.

How many things in your life do you keep around only because they are “comfortable” (you may NOT say, “My spouse!). When we were kids we used to build something and tear it down.  Tinker Toys. Blocks. You name it.  Construct and then destruct.  Why? Because it was fun to build things. It’s plain and simple as that. But as we get older, we add obligations. Lots of obligations.  It becomes riskier to start over. What was once fun becomes scary.  Very scary.  You can’t quit a job because you have kids and need the health insurance (even if they job totally sucks and is draining the life out of you.)  You get to the point where experimentation becomes too frightening. It’s death by standing still.

Tearing down to rebuild.  It completely thrusts us outside of our comfort zone and into a place where success is possible.  So today’s prayer is this simple: Give me the vision to know what needs to be torn down, the courage to do it and the strength to rebuild it. Amen.

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Monday Free-For/All

Good morning. Have a great day.

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Sunday Free-For-All

Good morning! Sun’s up.


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Saturday Free-For-All

Good morning! This is where I’ll be tonight.


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Friday Free-For-All

Good morning! Have a great Friday…

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