A Possum’s lucky day

A possum ran to the edge of the road this morning. It was 4:35 am, I was groggy and a possum’s general well-being wasn’t high on my to-do list. He looked at me with his little beady possum eyes and paused. And then he proceeded to run out in front of me.

The easy option would have been to turn him in squash casserole. It was 4:35 am. Possums aren’t high on my “I care about you” list. He should have turned into roadkill.

But there were no cars coming. The road was dry and I didn’t have to run him over. So I didn’t.

I’m not Mother Theresa. I’m not trying to earn my wings. I just didn’t feel like needlessly taking a life today — even a beady-eyed rat-looking possum.

I missed him because thought about how there doctors missed my melanoma. I thought about how I escaped drowning when I had a chain wrapped around my leg.

Someone swerved for me.

The possum lived another day. And so do I.

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Fit4Change Blog: Day 7 of 48 — The Gift of a bad day

It’s a little after 7 a.m. and I’m still looking for the truck that hit me. Not sure why today was a rough workout for me, but it was. To Coach Clark’s credit, the coaches threw everything but the kitchen sink at us today. And if they had, I’m sure we would have had to carry it over our head.

My shoulders are baked. Tired. Wiped out.

We started off with a mini Super-circuit — a series of exercises that pretty much work the whole body. One minute I was pushing a board, the next I was jumping rope. It was 25 minutes of high heart rate activity. We then ran quick-foot ladders and then went into the weight room (where we did intense shoulder workouts). The last session was starting at the goal line and making out way to the other goal line. In between was crab crawls, inch worms (with a push-up), sit-ups, leg lifts, bear crawls and a plank at the end.

I had run out of steam. There just are days when you’re going to have a bad day. And I was having one of them. But I kept pushing. And pushing. And pushing.

Why? It’s more important to push when you’re ready to quit. When you’re tired. Because that’s the training you need for life. It’s called perfect practice. You gut out the hard time so the field so you can in life.

I’m exhausted. But I do have the satisfaction of knowing that I have enough will to fight through wanting to quit.

It’s the bad days that define who we are. They’re the ones that shape us and keep us moving forward.

Now to look for that $%^ truck that hit me.

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No Snow Envy

I see all the pictures of snow in Tennessee pop up on my Facebook feed and I feel a little tinge of jealousy. Then I remember where I live. I live in Jackson, Mississippi. We can’t drive when it rains. We panic when there are flurries. There is apocalyptic meltdown when the flurries accumulate. White death blankets the land. People lose theirs freaking minds .

I think about the burning buildings, crushed cars and icy doom. Then my little tinge of jealousy melts as fast as a Mississippi snowfall.

I’ll just run and buy milk and bread and live vicariously through everyone’s photos.

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Secrets of Success

Amy and I went to a meeting for my son’s PSAT prep class. The teachers flashed a slide up on the screen that read:

The best predictor of SUCCESS:
• Grit
• Self-Control
• Zest
• Social Intelligence
• Gratitude
• Optimism
• Curiosity

I’m not an expert, but I think that’s a pretty solid list. Not only are the qualities I hope my sons have, it’s a worthy list for me to remember at the start of each and every day.

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#Fit4Change Blog Day 6 of 48:

5 a.m.

I’m standing on the 45-yard line on Madison Central’s football field. It’s 45 degrees with a 13 mph wind that makes the 45 degrees on the thermometer a lie. I’m wearing shorts.

No one ever said I was smart. Or warm.

My bed was warm, though. I almost needed an oyster shucker to get out of it this morning. But I did. It takes 21 days to creates new habit. We’re six days into this one. My feet overrode my brain and hit the floor at 3:58.

Improvement requires action.

We start our warm-ups. High knees, inch worms, over and under the fence. With it being cold, my muscles need to be warm. I look at my Line 1 teammates. They’re great athletes. My goal is to be as great as they are.

I focus on each exercise. Coach Trahan has us running game through the cones. Coach Clark fries our shoulder muscles with hand weights. I feel the burn. That burn means I’m getting stronger.

After an hour, I wasn’t cold anymore. My heart rate was up and so were my spirits.

It was 6 a.m. My day was on the right track.

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It’s Your Choice

It’s very easy to allow broken people to define who you are. But at the end of the day, it’s good to remember they’re the ones who are suffering. You don’t have to join into their pain. Anger and fear are just their tools to allow them to control who you are. You can crawl into the ditch with them or you can go another path. It’s your choice.

And it is so hard.

That other path requires a stiff backbone and a decision from your heart to be different. Instead of allowing the broken person to define you, use them to define how you are going to live the rest of your life. Choose love, action and kindness. Decide to give to others. Reject fear and hatred. Take action.

Your secret weapon is forgiveness. And it’s a one of the hardest things for a human to master — at least it is for me. I come from Olympic grudge holders. I can remember slights from 40 years ago. That’s sad. I know it and am working on it. So I combat it by being grateful.

We’re on this side of the grass. We have another chance to do this life right.

And that’s a good place to start today.

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#Fit4Change Blog Day 5 of 48: Going Inside

When it comes to exercising, I prefer cold weather to hot, humid conditions. My body doesn’t react well to heat so I enjoy a nice brisk morning. I like to joke that the Madison group of PLS’ers are the Frozen Chosen. We’re usually outside even on the coldest mornings. But when it dips below 30, we have think about our coaches’ health.

So we went inside.

It was a killer workout without hardly moving from the spot where we started. Coach Clark has a gift of bringing the pain when we’re inside the weight room. Today, he lived up to his reputation.

The one exercise that I really an going to master is the 25 lb. weight-over-the-head routine we do. My shoulders, due to past injuries, are weak. So holding a weight that could crack my skull over my head is an extra special challenge.

We need extra special challenges in our lives. Life is tough and will beat you down when it gets a chance. This morning reminded me of something I needed to be reminded of: During tough times, focus on the moment and keep moving forward.

I went inside today. In the weight room and into my soul and emerged stronger for it.

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#Fit4Change Blog Day 4 of 48

Congratulations, you survived the first week. You’re sore (and tired). You’ve done things you never thought you would in your life.

For example: Today, I jumped rope, then pushed a board 3/4 the way across a football field. When I was done with that I put my feet on a chips and salsa tray and pulled my body to the other sideline and turned around and went back to where I left my board. I then pushed it back 3/4 of the way to where I started.

Then I did it again.

It was tempting to say, “I can’t.” But “can’t” is a word I’ve taken out of my vocabulary (except for singing.) The next level requires the body and the mind to work together.

Right now both my mind and body are pooped.

My shoulders are baked. I am ready to eat my lunch (it’s 7:52 a.m.). But I’m happy. This will be an awesome 12 weeks.

I hope you feel the same way. That soreness you feel is your body changing for the better. You’ve got this.

The next level is in reach.

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Fit4Change Blog: Day 3 of 48


Good. That means your body is starting to change. How’s your attitude? Sore, too? If it is, I get it. What seemed like a good idea a couple of days ago isn’t so much today.

My first time through Fit4Change, I was initially in Line 6 (out of 6). My first two weeks were a struggle.

Then Paul moved me to Line 2. The first exercise we did was push towels across the floor. I almost needed mine to clean up vomit. I thought I was going to freaking die right there on the Jackson State University gym floor.

But I did it. Once I got my mind out of the way, I did it. And I did it again. My fear of that particular exercise started to go away. It melted like that fat around my middle.

Today, we had all kinds of exercises with 25 lbs. weights over our heads. That’s my current version of towels. I have bad shoulders and weak muscles. It is a mighty struggle for me to keep the weight over my head. But I did it. I got through it. I knew I could do anything for ten minutes. And I walked out of the exercise a little bit stronger.

Life’s that way. We have so many things that we fear. That fear keeps us in our comfort zone. And our comfort zone is a barren, lifeless place. Dreams can’t grow there.

Push yourself like you push the towels. That’s where your dreams are. You might find a few while trying to keep from face-planting on the floor.

Sore? Join me and eat a bowl of ibuprofen.

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Powerball Dreaming

12508707_945882082131685_2282907763693069713_nMost of us didn’t win the Powerball. Our grand visions and lush dreams have fallen to the wayside. We woke up, got ready and went to our jobs. It’s just another day that ends with Y.

I didn’t buy a ticket this time around. Driving to Louisiana couldn’t quite squeeze into my Dayplanner, so the Ramsey family sat on the sidelines. Nothing ventured, nothing lost, I guess.

Amy and I had the same conversation most of you had. “What would we do with a few hundred million dollars?” It was a fun exercise. I’d still do a lot of what I do now. Maybe a few things would be very different but I wouldn’t buy an island or anything like that. We both figured that much money earned without hard work would expose every fault line we had in our lives.

And we’d make a lot of new friends.

This morning, I looked at her and said, “What’s stopping us from trying for those big dreams anyway?” I guess the easiest answer is “We don’t have a few hundred million dollars.” But I think the most honest answer is, “Us. That’s what’s stopping us from living the life we dream about.” We get tucked into our comfort zone and don’t risk anything. The odds of us succeeding like that are worse than winning the Powerball.

I would have loved a few hundred million dollars. Who wouldn’t? I could sit around in a pair of shorts and draw pictures all day (wait, I do that now). But maybe the big prize if possible after all. I just need to get busy and draw a few million more pictures.

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