The Adventures of an Awkward Athlete: Chapter 9 — The Endurance Run

I feel  a certain pride in this field. It's where I bust my butt every morning.

I feel a certain pride in this field. It’s where I bust my butt every morning.

The Endurance Run is one of my favorite things we do at my PLS bootcamp. It’s 50+ minutes of perpetual motion. You start with quick-three foot ladders laid out over 100 yards down the football field. Then you go back down the field doing high knees, crab walks and hopscotch. Then you go back up the field shuffling through dummies, then bear crawling for 20 yards. Then you sprint forward and backwards through a zig-zag of cones to the end zone. When you’re done on the field, you run the stairs of the stadium. When finished, you run past the stadium and do 20 pushups. Now this is where is got interesting: We then ran the loop road around Madison Central High School (we only did it once). I don’t know how far it was but it was probably 3/4 of a mile at least. We then reentered the stadium and lifted 25 lb. plates over our heads and in front of us. We then ran to a set of hand weights and did 20 jumping jacks. We then did a lap on the track (1/4 miles), stopping once to do 10 burpees. Then we started it all over again.

There is no stopping. There is no resting. I completed it three times.

It was a perfect metaphor for today. I taught my class, wrote four ideas, drew one of them, taped a radio interview and then went to a photo shoot for the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi. I also returned several phone calls and sent some invoices. I’m about about to head to my son’s soccer game.

There is no stopping. There is no resting. I’m still trying to complete it.

One thing I learned when running a marathon is that you have to learn how to rest while you are moving. There are those moments — like when you are headed downhill — when you can allow your heart rate to lower a bit. Today, after my radio interview, I went outside and sat down on the curb of the radio station and made some calls. It was the first chance I had today to catch my breath. I took several deep breaths and felt a moment of peace.

Today’s Endurance Run was tough but excellent training for what I had ahead of me. Sometimes life is like that. You just have to learn how rest on the fly.

I’m just thankful I didn’t puke.

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Class Notes: September 16, 2015

On Tuesday, we’ll get our tests back, go over them and talk about an upcoming project. I’m planning a field trip for the 29th and will talk about what we’ll do on that day.  Also, We’ll start talking about the various platforms.  Our project will involve creating a Social Media campaign to promote something near and dear to us.  We’ll start with Twitter.


This is a great article from Mashable about the basics on Twitter.

Forbes gives us 31 tips for using Twitter.

And if 31 tips isn’t enough for you, here are 20 more tips.

Aw heck, here are even more Twitter tricks.

Let’s keep it under 200 — here are 50 more tips.

Adam Brown, former Social Media head for Coca Cola and Dell Computer, is a good follow. He’s now teaching at Carnegie Mellon University and is a consultant in Social Media. Here’s his Twitter Account

20 Twitter accounts to follow. 


Our hashtag is #jsusocialmedia. Use it so we can all see your tweets.


Last night, the CNN GOP Debate was a Twitter Event. Here are my Tweets from last night.

The Delta State Shooting was another example of the power of Social Media. Here’s coverage done right.  And here’s a powerful photo from the Delta State Instagram






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Bert the fighter

2Bert FordiceJust read that Bert Case’s body is free of Sepsis. That’s very good news and frankly, the miracle people have been hoping for. He is doing the medical equivalent of walking away after being hit by a freight train. He’s (obviously) still very, very weak and has a long journey ahead of him. But the fact that he has come this far shows his will to live is nothing short of amazing. My friend Angie Jordan, who’s dad happened to be Kirk Fordice, said in a comment on my page that Bert got to the Pearly Gates and Kirk threatened to whip his ass if he tried to come in. I believe that.

I continue to wish Bert, Mary and everyone else who loves them well. I pray for continued healing. And I chuckle at what a tough so-and-so Bert Case truly is.

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The Adventures of an Awkward Athlete: Chapter 8 — the oil change.


My car has 123,000 miles on it. When it was six-months-old, it was shot while I was driving in Baton Rouge. The radiator was destroyed and the engine overheated. I got a new engine with less than 800 miles on the car.

Since then, it has been bulletproof. It’s a Honda CR-V, which is a very reliable car. But a big reason why it has served me so well is that I go the extra mile maintaining it. This morning, I got the oil changed once again. I will drive it to 200,000 and then it becomes my son’s car.

This morning, Coach Clark did another of his famous Clarkapalooza’s on us. We started with the Four-corner drill:
1. Run from the end zone . 2. Go 40 yards and then do two ladder drills. 3. Run to end zone. 4. Do 10 Burpees 5. Shuffle the width of the end zone 6. Do 20 mountain climbers. 7. Run. 8. Bear crawl 25 yards. 9. Run to next end zone. 10. Do 20 squat and touches. 11. Shuffle the end zone. 12. 20 jumping jacks. 13. Repeat. Then we went to the middle of the field.

There we chopped our feet and shuffled and retraced. Then we did high knees, jumping jacks and more chopping of our feet as we shuffled some more. Then we did a straight arm plank and did various leg exercises and moved sideways. We stayed in that position until our arms planked. And then we did a regular plank. From there we did core work and continued to sweat in the middle of the field. Then we ran up and down the stadium.

I did that twice. When we were finished, we went to the end zone and did one jumping jack on the five. Then we added one until we got to the next end zone — 100 yards away. From there, we did a wall-sit and waited as a medicine ball was passed up and down the line — twice. Then we turned around and ran against the wall. From there, we did motion drills (right, left, forward, back, hit it!) and we were done.

That was an hour of constant motion.

Why would I subject myself to such torture? If I want my body to last 200,000 thousand miles, I have to maintain it, too. It’s funny how we’ll fix our car but feed ourselves junk and sit on the couch. This morning was an oil change. And I’ll do it again tomorrow.

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The Adventures of an Awkward Athlete: Chapter 7 — Get Your Mind Right.

IMG_1202For me, my bootcamp is more than just getting stronger physically — it’s about training my brain. My 5 a.m. journey is a battle between the ears. It’s about shaping my motivation, will and attitude.

Somedays I fail. Somedays I succeed. But I’m fighting.

The Mayo Clinic’s website spells it out in black and white: “Research on anxiety, depression and exercise shows that the psychological and physical benefits of exercise can also help reduce anxiety and improve mood.” How awesome is that?!? This morning, I felt my endorphins surge. By the time I ran off the field at 6 a.m., I felt 100% better than when I woke up. That improvement in mood is still with me an hour and a half later.

Plus, exercising to improve your mood has some awesome side effects: Stronger heart, better lungs, less fat, better sleep, more self confidence. And you look good. Well, you would look good. I look like a thinner version of me. But you get the point.

When I am out there challenging myself, I’m learning that my body can do things my mind thinks it can’t. I learn to push boundaries. I learn to overcome obstacles. I focus on what I need to do and learn to shut out the chatter in my brain.

And I get those endorphins. I love those endorphins.

Exercise is my drug and I’m an addict. But that’s OK. Like my late high school coach always said, it helps me get my mind right.

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Class Notes: September 15, 2015

TUESDAY IS TEST DAY! Remember —  I don’t give makeups. You write a term paper on the impact of Social Media if you miss tomorrow. (it’s in the syllabus).  If you studied last Thursday’s post, you’ll do fine on the test. The test is 25 questions. Be on time.

And be thinking about our friends at Delta State.


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The Adventures of an Awkward Athlete: Chapter 6 — Crab Crawls

the-hikers-workout-crabIf you don’t know what a crab crawl is, I really can’t show you. I look like a dog rubbing his butt on the carpet when I crab crawl. Thanks to really, really, really messed up shoulders, it’s my weakest exercise. Of course, I had to do it 40 yards this morning.

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But it does make you thankful it’s dark at that time of morning.

This weekend, I ran 12 miles. In a row. And nothing was chasing me. Well, yes, a few things were chasing me: Heart disease, diabetes, depression, some types of cancer — you get the point. I got up at 5:30 and hit the trail on Saturday. The cool weather was a gift after a brutal summer. I still managed to sweat a few buckets. I looked like I had been for a swim, not a run.

I title this series of blogs “The Advertures of an Awkward Athlete” because I am not pretty when I work out. I don’t look good in my outfits. My hair is a mess and I look like a Clydesdale. I probably don’t smell good, either. I really don’t care. I bumble, stumble and fumble. But I get out there.

The statistics are there in black and white. And the obituary page confirms them. I’m at an age where males like me just drop dead from heart attacks. I’ve had cancer once (melanoma) and don’t want it again. I am on the board of the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi and really don’t want to play around with Type 2 Diabetes. I don’t want to be a statistic.

So I crab crawl. I rub my butt across the turf and struggle. I run, I struggle and I get my heart rate elevated for at least an hour a day. Why? I do it for my boys. They need a dad in their life. And I’m proud to say, they are learning to love exercise, too.

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When people ask me if my kids can draw, I say…

People ask me if my kids draw. They don’t. They are amazingly talented young men — but not with my talent. And I couldn’t be more proud. Why? Because I am watching them chase their passions with guts and energy. And I’m watching them succeed. Oh, they’re all very creative. They just haven’t picked up a pencil. With them, it’s about music, engineering, math, writing, athletics and comedy. I couldn’t be more proud. Because it ain’t about me. I have my talent and I’ll continue to chase it. But part of my mission is to make sure my boys find theirs. That’s what being a parent is truly about.

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Finding the pathway to a dream

We had our chairs in a circle, almost like they were Old West Wagons circled for our protection. Tuesday I had lectured from the podium — and I’ll admit, I bored myself. So today, I thought I’d try something different. I told my students they’d be teaching my class today.

That’s not what happened. But like good Social Media, it became a discussion. We talked about the information that will be on Tuesday’s test. And as we talked, it happened — it was a breakthrough of sorts.

I realized my students were me 24 years ago.

They’re Mass Comm students. Each has their own dream — one wants to be a PR expert. One a television performer. One a radio host. One wants to make documentary films. But what we all have in common is that crazy dream –– That gnawing itch that keeps us from being happy in a 9 to 5 job. I told them that at times I envied my friends who are doctors or accountants. Not because what they do is easy (I couldn’t do it) but because their (very difficult) path was laid out for them.

Our path is more nebulous.

My dream was a job where there were less than 200 positions in the country. Now, I probably could count the number of full-time editorial cartoonists on my digits. There was no path for me to follow. It was trial and lots of errors. I fumbled and stumbled. That’s why I worked as a janitor. But I moved and enjoyed great experiences. That’s why I worked in Texas and California.

But like a compass always finds North, I found my dream. And l like I told my students today, that dream is ethereal and always changing. People say you must always keep learning. I learned that you also much always be changing. And it has changed me for the better.

Chasing a dream will do that. And as their professor, I vow to help them find their path like I did so many years ago.

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The Adventures of an Awkward Athlete: Chapter 5 — Accountability

It was dark and rainy this morning, but I got my sleepy butt up and went and worked out. Why? Not only did I know someone would call me on my laziness, I also would have been pissed at myself for the rest of the day for sleeping in. But I’ve moved past outside accountability. Now, I answer to myself.

And I am a massive pain in the rear.

Speaking of pain in the rear, we worked really, really hard today. Coach Clark did his Clarkapalooza (what I call his solo beatdown). I think everyone’s favorite was the snake drill. I moved fast on it — because somewhere along the way I figured out if you really push it, you get done sooner. It’s funny what motivates you. We also did some Yoga with Coach Neil and an Indian Run. Bottom line? It was a good way to end a tough week.

We also weighed in. And guess what? Clydesdale here lost three pounds. My goal? 195 lbs. I have a long way to go before I get there (20 lbs.) but with the Mississippi Blues Marathon coming in 121 days, I had better get busy and start losing. At least I am headed in the right direction.

You ask, “Marshall, you look thin. Why do you want to lose 20 more pounds?”

Hauling ass is not a good thing when you are running a marathon. The less ass you have, the less you have to haul.

And I’ll look better in a two-piece. I’m not accountable for that image burned in your brain, though.

Have a great day. Eat healthy and get moving!

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