Monthly Archives: March 2012

The Promise

A small Japanese sedan sped down a rural Mississippi highway. A sleepy driver looked down for a split second to change the channel on his radio. It’s funny how a split second can change your life. The car radio had … Continue reading

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Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Sunrise

Goal Weight 195 lbs. Today’s Weight 212 lbs. Right as I got to 5.5 miles this morning, I saw this. The sun started peaking over the Ross Barnett Reservoir — a reminder of a new day and a fresh start. … Continue reading

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Monday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you have an awesome week!

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Sunday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up? Hope you have a great Sunday.

Posted in MRBA | 9 Comments

Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: The P in H.O.P.E.

Goal weight: 195 lbs. Today’s weight: 210 lbs. Saturday is the day I normally run 5 miles or so with my oldest two sons.  But since I’m single parenting, our long run will have to wait until tomorrow.  Trust me, … Continue reading

Posted in Fat-Fit-Fat | 1 Comment

H.O.P.E.: How to Slay a Dragon’s Little Brother

Links to the story based on  how I survived being a cancer survivor for my friends from the Hope Conference. Part One: The introduction Part Two: H = Humor Part Three: O = Opportunity to Serve Part Four: P= Physical Well Being … Continue reading

Posted in Cancer, Writing | 1 Comment

CARTOON: Craft Beer & Sudafed

Always love a Smokey & The Bandit reference…

Posted in Cartoon | 2 Comments

The Finger of God

The Gulf of Mexico had opened its floodgates.  Warm, moist air was blanketing the little town like warm, wet blanket.  Even the clouds moved quickly, like they sensed trouble was coming.  You could smell New Orleans — and the town … Continue reading

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Fit-to-Fat-to-Fat Blog: Day 32 — Out of Exile

Goal Weight: 195 lbs. Today’s weight: 210 lbs. This is a photo of exile. It’s the Jackson State University track where I’ve been running every morning this week. Since last Friday, I’ve run 30 miles. Sixteen of those were on … Continue reading

Posted in Fat-Fit-Fat | 3 Comments

Friday Free-For-All

Thanks good it is, well, Friday. What a week it has been.

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