Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 31 (Exile Day 3)

Goal Weight: 195 lbs.

Today’s Weight: 211 lbs.

I found a note in my pants this morning. It was from my legs and I was shocked by what the note said:  “I want a divorce, your legs”

My legs are apparently fed up with me.  And I can’t say I blame them.

It was another day out on the JSU track — home of JTRAN bus exhaust and (as of this week) me.

And like the wheels on the bus, I went  ’round and ’round.  The unexiled folks got to do all eight stations today, so my exiled self got more time out on the track. That meant I ran either 18 or 19 laps (either 4.5 or 4.75 miles) this morning. Why the inexact number?  I don’t know whether to count the last time I hit the button on my watch.  (Remind me to wear my GPS watch the next time I’m exiled. Math is not my strong suit at 5 a.m. in the morning.) Anyway, that puts me at nearly 27 miles of running since last Friday.  That’s a lot of miles on old, out-of-shape legs.  But once again, I did it.  It’s good to be back running again.

And for the record, I probably won’t grant my legs the divorce. But if they’re good, I’ll give them some ibuprofen.

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