Thursday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up?  Me? Well, barely. Have a speech at noon.

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Cupid’s Cure

Cupid sat on the bench frustrated.  “No one believes in love any more,” he mumbled to a half-interested pigeon (who thought the winged cherub was a third cousin.)

Cupid has spent the day trying to get Speaker John Boehner and President Barack Obama to love each other. The emergency room had to remove his arrow from an unspeakable place after that failed attempt.  He vaguely remembered telling the ER doc, “I wish I was the tooth fairy. She has it made. People will always have teeth.”

Nope, there just wasn’t much love in the world.  Cupid threw on a jacket to cover his wings (and honestly people look at you funny when you wear a diaper in public.)  and walked out of the park. He got in his car (a Jaguar) and headed the local 24-hour big box store to see how Valentine’s Day cards were selling.

He walked in and nice Civil War veteran greeted him, “WELCOME TO MEGAMART. ”  Cupid nodded and briskly rushed past. The man only had so many words left, Cupid thought. He didn’t dare risk a conversation.  He then bee-lined to the part of the store where the cards were.

Even though it was “his” holiday, Cupid wasn’t wild about Valentine’s Day. It always seemed manufactured by the card, flower and restaurant industries to him.  Why focus on one day when you should be loving all year long?  He walked around the corner and noticed a little girl staring at him.  Cupid waved his hand and made some candy appear in her hand. He then blew her a kiss and she giggled. There was no more pure love than the love of a child.

He then went around another corner to the Valentine’s Day card aisle. The hoard of last minute shoppers (most likely men) had picked-over the shelves like locusts with a thyroid problem. As Cupid gazed down the aisle, there was one middle-aged man standing there with his head in his hands.  Cupid, being the master of all things Love, could tell this man was as far from being in a loving spirit as anyone in the store. He felt the man’s frustration.  He was on the edge of a break down.

“May I help you?”

The man turned his head quickly and said, “Do you work here?”

Cupid said, “Do I look like I work here?”

The man quickly shook his head no and said, “Then how can you help me?”

Cupid pulled out a business card (they were so 20th century but very helpful).

The man looked at the cherub with disbelief. Cupid, expecting this reaction, pulled off his jacket and revealed his wings.

The man looked like he wanted to run — Lord knows you meet all kind of characters at MEGAMART.  But he stayed and said, “I am at a loss for what to get my wife. I have a lot of damage to repair.  I guess I can admit this to you, but I haven’t been much of a husband. Our marriage is on the rocks.”

Cupid grinned and said, “I prefer Bourbon on the rocks.”

The man looked at him with no expression.

Cupid continued, “Look, I could go shoot your wife in the butt with an arrow. That’d fix everything — and would be the easy way out for you. But I’m not going to do that.  You Americans have such a microwave mentality. ‘I want it now,’ should be tattooed on your foreheads.”

The man, appearing defeated, said, “Then what the heck am I supposed to do?”

Cupid, rubbing his smooth chin, said, “Start with this: Treat Valentine’s Day not as a day to show your love but as the day you celebrate the love you’ve shown the other 364 days of the year.”

The man just stared at Cupid with dissatisfied stare. “Sure, flyboy, but if I don’t have a nice gift tomorrow, I’m straight to the couch.”

Cupid shook his head. “OK, let me say this slower for you to understand.  Make every day Valentine’s Day. Give her the gift of your time. Your attention. Find ways to make her life easier. Listen to her. How long have you been married?”

The man had to think for a second. “Fifteen years.”

Cupid continued, “Imagine if you had a bank account for 15 years and all you made were withdrawals.  Where would be now?”

“Jail.” the man sighed.

“Your marriage feels like jail now, doesn’t it?”

“Between jail and Hell,” the man shrugged.

Cupid laughed. “Look, here’s a nice gift to give her tomorrow to get you out of the doghouse.” Cupid waved his hand and a nice necklace appeared. “But make a one-year-effort to woo your wife again.  Treat her like you did when you were dating.  Then meet me back here one year from now and we’ll see what kind of gift you need.”

The man thanked Cupid and went up to the register to pay for his gift.  Cupid went to the food aisle and got a six-pack of Red Bull.  He had a lot of work to do tonight and needed to stay awake.

One year later:

Cupid walked into the MEGAMART and the same Civil War veteran was still greeting people.  “Congratulations for another year above ground.” The greeter, not being able to hear well, thought he said, “Congratulations for a beer and a pound.”

There in the card aisle was the man who Cupid had helped. And next to him was a smiling lady.  “Hey Cupid!” A lady with a cart looked at the man like he had lost his mind.

Cupid said, “I take it this is your wife?”  She smiled when he said it. “So, what gift are you getting her?”

“Oh, I bought it a few weeks ago.  I didn’t have to come here. I knew exactly what she wanted. For some reason, I’ve been listening to her,” the man explained. “I got a card and flowers, too — but like you said, today is a day to celebrate the past year.”

His wife looked at the cherub and said, “Thanks for not shooting me in the butt.”

Cupid smiled and said, “You’re welcome.  And Happy Valentine’s Day. I wish the world was filled with more love like yours.”

Cupid headed toward the Red Bull and watched as the happy couple left the store while holding hands.

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Fit-to-Fat-to-Fat Blog: Day 18

Goal weight: 195 lbs.

Today’s weight: 222.8 lbs.

No man is an island -John Donne

As part of my morning workout, I’ve been blessed to be in two great groups . The first two weeks, I was in the beginning group.  Then on my 9th day, I was moved up to the advanced group. Both have been encouraging and supportive — but in different ways.

The first group was extremely verbally supportive.  They’d cheer me on as I stumbled and bumbled through the exercises. The second group inspires me by making me want to keep up with them.  I don’t want to let them down.  Both groups have lifted me up. And to be honest, I wouldn’t be seeing the results I’m seeing without them.  The group dynamic works.  It makes it a difference.  If you’re going through something tough, you instinctively pull for those around you through it.  No one else but the group quite understands what you’re going through. I’ve discovered it to be true with cancer. And I’ve discovered it to be true with exercise. Never underestimate the power of a support group.

I trained (successfully) for a marathon in 2010.  I made it about halfway through the training by myself.  Then I hit a mental wall.  I stumbled and nearly stopped. Luckily a couple of friends of mine were training for another marathon and I jumped in with them.  That made all the difference in the world. We shared our victories and commiserated about our setbacks.  They kept me accountable.  I knew I couldn’t sleep in if they were out running a long run early on a Saturday morning.

My son started a fitness program last night (it’s a requirement for his Fitness Merit Badge).  We went and ran a mile in our neighborhood.  And even though my legs would have preferred  to have stayed on the couch, I wouldn’t have missed it for world. I know his chances of success are much greater if we exercise together.  I’ll be there every step of the way. While we were huffing and puffing through the neighborhood, he said, “this is fun.”

It was music to my ears.

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Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! 3:49, time to hit the gym.

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I want a James Bond car. A silver, missile-firing, ejection-seat equipped Aston Martin James Bond car. One where I can shoot oil slicks out the back and have a bullet-proof shield (hey, I’ve already had one car blown up from a stray bullet.).  I don’t even care if it is iPod-capatible.  I want to be able to blow up cars who drive in the emergency lane past stopped traffic.  BOOM.  Que James Bond theme. Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah Ba da da ba da dum dum dum.  If it has lasers and can turn into a submarine, well that’s a bonus.

Cars used to be fun to me. I had a Pontiac when I was 16 (I kid you not). It had a 400 cubic inch big-block V-8 that made the car go 0-60 in a mouse’s fart.  Problem was, it had manual drum brakes (if you don’t know what that is, Fred Flintstone’s feet can stop a car faster than manual drum brakes.).  I could go from A to B fast but would end up in C.  But sometime in the past 30 ears, I died and became practical.  Now I drive a CUV. It’s like a baby SUV (the C stands for cute, I think.) The sad thing is, I love the darn thing. It’s my Swiss Army knife.  I can haul kids, books, equipment, my bike, my dog and safely travel the backroads of Mississippi.  And it has heated seats (for my old back) and an iPod jack.  I know. Pathetic.  I went from fun to practical.  And don’t even ask me about my other car. It rhymes with A VAN.  Yup. Pathetic.  But it hauls kids and their friends and travels long distances on one tank…aw, I’ll shut up now.

Like I said, I’ve died and become practical.

The bottom line: I’m truly a red-blooded American.  I love me some cars.  I’ve owned two Pontiac Firebirds, an Isuzu Trooper, a Toyota Corolla (when I was in purgatory) and a Nissan Maxima. Now I have a Honda put-put.  I went from fun to practical.  Any moment now, I will head back to fun again. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to pick out my mid-life crisis car.  I’d look good in a Camaro convertible.  Does it come in a wagon for the kids?

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Before the dawn

The full moon had chased the shadows behind the trees — Nighttime had turned to day.  The normally inky black sky nearly looked blue. A young button buck munched on fresh clover along the side of the two-lane Mississippi highway.  An old Chevrolet truck crested the hill and stopped, causing the deer to bolt into the woods. A sleepy worker pulled over, killed his headlights and got out of the cab. The stunning view ahead of him always took his breath away: The full glory of the Mississippi Delta was illuminated and laid out before him.  It was 4 a.m. and the world had momentarily achieved peace.

He pulled out his Thermos.  He poured another cup of strong, black coffee and just sat on the hood of his truck. The warmth from the engine felt good on the cool morning. The Delta had been painted with a cool shade of midnight blue.  The painter Bill Dunlap could not have painted a more amazing landscape. A light breeze tickled his beard as he took another sip of the life-giving elixir. He felt its warmth heat up his soul. He was heading home from job number three. It had been yet another long night of doing menial work on the night shift.  . His body was about to fully revolt — He knew he needed some sleep. But this was too amazing to miss.  The moment before dawn.  The moment before even the birds began to sing.  Peace.  He filled his lungs with the cool air.

He thought of the quote from George Washington Carver, “Nothing is more beautiful than the loveliness of the woods before sunrise.”  A shooting star carved a scar across the western sky. He made a wish and smiled. He knew how wishes came true. Hard work. Dreams achieved. Attitude.

He had been discounted his whole life. His teachers said he was too stupid for college. His coaches said he was too little and slow to play ball. His college professors said he’d never amount to anything. Some people would have folded under that kind of disbelief. He thought of the boss who had laid him off. She had not believed in his talent. He said to her as he walked out of her office, “There’s a long line of people who underestimated me. Watch me.”

He had been an executive at the local mill. He had worked very had to earn that promotion. But the world changes and jobs go to China.  He didn’t change as fast as the world and got caught up in the vortex of layoffs. But he didn’t quit. He didn’t feel sorry for himself. Nope, he did what his grandparents had done during the Great Depression: He got to work. He took an online course to learn to write. He found a couple of jobs to keep food on the table. That’s why he was sitting on the hood of his truck.  He was taking a moment to count his blessings. It was that moment of appreciation that powered him through the tough moments.

The old proverb said, “It’s always darkest before the dawn.”  Not today. Not now. Not in his life. The full moon saw to that. And so did his attitude.

A car buzzed by him and plunged down the hill into the bowl of the Delta.  He took another sip of his coffee and then screwed the lid back on the Thermos. In his truck was a laptop.  He pulled it out and started writing.  Being a Mississippian, he had the amazing gift of being a storyteller.  No, he thought, being a Mississippian means you have GREAT stories to tell.  He started writing another short story.

Little did he know that he’d be a successful author in five years.  Little did he know that this was just a temporary rough patch in his life. He just had to keep pushing the devil. To get through what he perceived to be hard times.  Five years from now he’d understand that this part of his life was God pushing him out of his comfort zone. That He was just giving him some good stories to tell.

His face glowed from the laptop as he described the miraculous scene before him. The Delta produced amazing crops. It produced the Blues. And now it was about to produce another amazing Mississippi literary talent.  As he looked west toward the Mississippi River, a second shooting star streaked across the western sky. Little did the man know that this was a sign that his first wish was about to come true.

His success was as imminent as the coming sunrise. Like the Delta before him, he was about to produce a fertile crop. He looked out at the blue-tinted land before him and said, “Thanks be to God.” And then he got to work.

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Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 17

Goal weight: 195

This morning’s weight: 223.2

Pushing the devil.

That’s what I call pushing a folded towel the length of a gym floor. When my team ran our warm-up laps around the gym at 5 a.m., I saw them quietly waiting there, neatly folded and ready to torment me.  I knew they were coming. I felt the dread build in my gut. But we had other work to do first.

After stretching and warmups, we went out to the track and ran 220’s.  (sprint 220, jog 220 — rinse and repeat.) We ended up running a mile total.  Then we came back into the gym for our next station: Core work with Clark Bruce. Clark has his own amazing weigh loss story, so let’s just say he likes to push you like he was once pushed. And he really pushed us today. In between exercises, we ran sprints. Then it was time to push the devil. It was time to push the towel.

When you push the towel, you lean over on your hands, resting them on a folded towel. Then you push with your legs all the way down the length of the basketball court and then you turn around and  push it back. Yes, it is as hard as it sounds. After you complete it, you then run four down-and-backs on the gym and then you repeat pushing the towel. When you’re 6’1″ and 223 lbs. that isn’t a very natural thing to do. Or easy.

This is the third time we’ve pushed the devil. And this time I did much better job than I did the first two times. I’m making progress. (except for a pulled back muscle — that should make life interesting).

We finished the day with 10-sec rapid reps in the weight room and then our final laps of the day.

The bottom line is this:  You have to face the things you dread in life and conquer them before you can taste success.  Today I pushed the devil and lived to fight another day.  And because of it, I have the confidence to push the other devils that dare to cross my path.

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Tuesday Free-For-All

Good morning! About to go hit the gym (it’s 3:50 a.m.).  How are you?

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Fifty Super Bowl Tweets

My comments about the game and the commercials from last night:

  1. Indy has an awesome stadium.
  2. When I was in college, Bud Light Platinum was the rich guy to using his dad’s Platinum credit card to buy the keg.
  3. Twelve men on the field and a safety. Very unPatriot-like mistakes.
  4. You know on every kickoff, the kicker is thinking, “Oh #$%#$ don’t run at me. Don’t run at me. PLEASE don’t run at me.”
  5. Barry Manilow and the apocalypse go together like bacon and eggs.
  6. Best part of the Super Bowl so far, explaining the game to my sons.#priorities
  7. Super Bowl commercials work best with humor. The trick is actually being funny.
  8. America wishes Bill Belichick well and hopes he passes that kidney stone soon.
  9. OK, my 11-year-old son liked the GoDaddy ad.
  10. Look forward to next year’s game-based movie “Monopoly.”
  11. Wife’s chicken wings #forthewin
  12. Apparently movie John Carter rented the stadium from Star Wars Episode II.
  13. The movie Lorax must be based on a different Lorax than the one Dr. Seuss wrote.
  14. Volkswagen + Star Wars = Gold
  15. I get the polar bear ads for Coke mixed up with the pooping bears for that toilet paper ad.
  16. I don’t pee in a pool when I do my taxes. I pee myself.
  17. This game is flying past. Must be my insane anticipation for Madonna’s halftime show. #Iamfoldinglaundryinstead
  18. Was going to make a joke based on a tire company sponsoring Madonna. “Rubber” and “Retread” came to mind. Then I decided against it.
  19. French Bulldog running with the greyhounds got a laugh at the Ramsey house.
  20. I played football for six years and have watched it most of my life and have never understood what the Prevent defense actually prevents.
  21. Can’t wait for the first moron to actually try slingshotting his baby like the Doritos commercial.
  22. Up next, “Not Desperately Seeking Susan”
  23. My son, “C’mon, SHOW A FUNNY COMMERCIAL!!!!” #localads
  24. My son, “Who’s Madonna.” Me, “Google her. Errrr. Nevermind!!!”#strikeanekkidpose
  25. Those must be Mayans, because this seems like the end of the world. #madonnahalftime
  26. Madonna is definitely talented but this seems like it was recorded last week.
  27. Thankfully Cee Lo did not have a wardrobe malfunction.
  28. “My eyes are up here,” Betty White #classic
  29. Whose pop culture Tweets are funnier? @MarshallRamsey or@jonacuff? TIE!
  30. “This is America and our second-half is about to begin.” Clint Eastwood Chrysler commercial for the win.
  31. Dear candidates for President, watch Clint Eastwood commercial 1,000 times. That’s what America needs to hear.
  32. Madonna, Tom Brady and Eli are lip synching.
  33. Tom Brady probably should have taken the sack. #interception
  34. Giant fan just peed a little #fumbleandrecovery
  35. I’m still disturbed by Daphne getting out of a limo with Richie Rich#15willgetyou20
  36. I would not be opposed to “Super Bowl Saturday” #schoolnight
  37. A phone with a pen. Or as I like to call it, a “Palm Pilot”
  38. Lesson from tonight’s Super Bowl: Time has been rough on stars from the 1980’s and 1990’s.
  39. Thank you for keeping the game close. Signed 4th quarter advertisers.
  40. Another Super Bowl, another clutch throw from Eli in the waning minutes of the game.
  41. Ads we liked best at our house: Ferris CR-V, Volkswagen Dog/Star Wars, Sketchers Dog. Bud “Weego” Dog
  42. Eli Manning is on the cusp of never having to buy a meal again in NY.
  43. Doesn’t happen often when you see a man kick himself for scoring a touchdown.
  44. BREAKING NEWS: Peyton vows to play next year even if he has to throw left handed.
  45. The ending of this game lives up to the hype.
  46. Eli Manning is now a legend.
  47. Super Bowl 46: Game > Commercials.
  48. Super Bowl over. Now time to fold clothes.#thingsIwouldhaveneversaid20yearsago
  49. I’m not jumping on the Eli vs. Peyton bandwagon. Both are amazing quarterbacks and men. Archie and Olivia should be proud.
  50. Nice ride Eli. #vaderscorvette

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Fit-to-Fat-to-Fat Blog: Monday

Goal weight: 195 lbs.

This morning’s weight: 222.6 lbs.

Monday’s a day I’m supposed to run 30 minutes. I ran 41 minutes instead.  I ran a little extra to make up for any overeating I did yesterday during the Super Bowl. (I really was pretty good — I ate three slider (tiny) burgers, four chicken wings and some fruit).   I stepped on the scale when I got back and I had lost two pounds over the weekend.  I’ll take that.

Getting up this morning wasn’t easy.  Four-thirty is sleeping late compared to my normal 3:50 wake-up call, but I could’ve used a little more sleep. Honestly, I’m very tired. But it was all about self-discipline. What I do when no one else is looking.  You see, no one would have known if I had skipped running this morning. I could have lied about it to you and said I did.  But if I hadn’t, I would have been cheating no one but myself.  So I got out of bed and huffed and puffed in the cold morning air.

We watched the movie Courageous and Forever Strong this weekend. Both had VERY strong messages of the importance of integrity.  If I am going to succeed at anything, I have to stop cutting corners. I have to do a little bit extra. And I have to stop cheating myself and others.

Monday , being the start of the week, is when I set the tone for the rest of the it. Today, I chose integrity.  The man in the glass expects no less.

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